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Останні рецензії користувача EvathCebor

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Показані результати 1–10 із 441
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 18
9.0 год. загалом (2.5 год на момент рецензування)
Avec la mort de Mimimi games, on pensait ne plus voir de nouveaux jeux d'infiltration tactiques en temps réel apparaître avant longtemps. Et pourtant. A peine le roi est-il mort que déjà les princes se disputent la couronne. Ou plutôt un prince. Rien qu'un et pas davantage. Un unique héritier condamné à batailler seul contre le vent et l'ombre de ses aïeux illustres.

Les faux dieux soient loués ! Malgré des soucis de finition évidents et un lancement bordéIique, Stargate Timekeepers réussit à nous procurer les mêmes sensations que sur un bon vieux Commandos, mais avec un skin porte des étoiles qui brise enfin la malédiction des jeux Stargate. Quel plaisir de vider chaque carte du jeu de ses jaffas, goa'ulds et autres vilaines bestiolent qui les peuplent, qui patrouillent et se hurlent des ordres incompréhensibles les unes aux autres. Sans atteindre la qualité d'un Shadow Tactics ou d'un Desperados III (loin de là), Stargate TImekeepers est un jeu solide et un évènement inespéré pour les amateurs d'un genre destiné à disparaître.

Le scénario n'est pas fascinant ni vraiment mis en valeur, et aucun personnage n'est inoubliable - en revanche, aucun n'est agaçant, c'est déjà ça. Si l'idée d'incarner une équipe SG différente de celle que l'on suivait dans la série est formidable, le jeu échoue à (ré)introduire l'univers de la porte des étoiles, à nous raconter une histoire. On vogue d'une mission à l'autre avec les mêmes personnages, voilà tout. Ca manque de liant, ça manque de souffle ; ça pour voyager, on voyage, mais Timekeepers nous laisse l'impression d'une aventure qui manque d'aventures ; même les environnements manquent de personnalité - comme ceux de la série, me direz-vous. Techniquement non plus, ce n'est pas toujours la joie. Il y a encore des bugs ici et là. Le jeu n'est pas franchement bien optimisé. On ne peut pas jouer à la manette (alors que les jeux Mimimi avaient réussi ce pari fou). Les musiques sont mouais. L'IA a ses bons et ses mauvais moments...vous l'aurez compris, Timekeepers n'est parfait en rien ; il n'a pas la prétention de devenir un jour votre nouveau jeu préféré, juste de vous proposer de passer du bon temps en sa compagnie. Parce qu'entre son game design calqué sur les meilleurs, son interface bien pratique, ses niveaux admirablement conçus et suffisamment différents les uns des autres pour toujours repiquer notre intérêt, le tout à prix réduit, il y a de quoi confondre le bouton "acheter" avec un KREE! en lettres majuscules.

L'archétype du jeu AA, voire A tout court, qui fait tout en moins bien que ses modèles mais qui le fait avec assez de coeur pour être aimé sincèrement en retour. En espérant que ça ne soit pas le dernier jeu Stargate, ni la dernière infiltration tactique en temps réel. L'un comme l'autre me manqueraient cruellement.
Додано 24 січня. Востаннє відредаговано 24 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
34.8 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
17.1 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
1.9 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
3.7 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 11
22.4 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 39
17.5 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
0.5 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 27
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 2
0.6 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 18
4.8 год. загалом
Gameplay. Graphics. Level design. Music. Game design. Good. Bad. Good looking. Ugly. These are just tags that I use to prevent Steam from filtering this review and throwing it in the trash with the other "irrelevant" reviews when it is very, very relevant to the customer who is about to buy this precise game. There is stuff you should know before buying this game from this company.

Capcom allows itself to update decade years old games in order to add Dancing Ratatouille Mesopotamia in its code, and Steam does nothing to prevent it. And they are slowly but surely doing it to their entire older catalogue of games. How can I trust what I buy from this publisher, on this platform, then ? They change their game decades later to limit the player access to its property (remember, we bought this game !).

Imagine Best Buy coming to your home ten years later to add a padlock to your refrigerator. That's precisely what Capcom is doing with all of its older games. Capcom customers are punished for paying their game while privateers and sea brigands live their best life on the internet's uncharted waters. You know what ? I'm done being punished for behaving fair by a company that thinks its owes me and is entitled to my money, and change the rules decade after I bought their product, even dare to police and limit my access to it. Give me an eyepatch, a wooden leg and a parrot repeating "pieces of eight ! pieces of eight !". I want to sail far away from Capcom's bank account. And I will.
Додано 11 січня.
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
< 1  2  3 ... 45 >
Показані результати 1–10 із 441