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682.6 hrs on record (171.3 hrs at review time)
"The Sims" 2d with guns and violence

Stardew Valley Farmer in Mad Max world

There is nothing much I can say about this life-consuming game, that's not being already written.
I have stayed away from this masterpiece for too long, and finally I have succumbed to playing it.
Needless to say, I spent my 12 days of vacation, dreaming about Rimworld and making strategies in my head.

Molotov+Straw floor = Too much fun
Social fighting = It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye... Then it's just fun
Animal breeding = Call the dogs off ! There are no dogs sir, only Wargs, Timberwolves and Black panther... And we can't call them off. Dear Lord help them all

Posted January 12.
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138.2 hrs on record (98.2 hrs at review time)
As a fan of Fallout and Wasteland, I do not now how I missed this series, because it's basically what I love: turn based, squad, rpg. From other reviews, I also see the plague of modern games: it was simplified from the JA2, less depth, and a little bit crude (maybe because of f-ing porting to consoles etc.)

This is basically XCOM set in 2000s, and it's awesome (in some aspects).
+ Destructible environment, but like stuff really gets demolished
+ Animation is great, visible ricochets really add a nice kick to the combat
+ Path finding is not abysmal (like some other games). It will frustrate you, but less then usual which is plus today (sadly)
+ Easter eggs like true Fallout/Wasteland, and references (Korn - Freak on a leash video easter egg blew my mind)

- Visual effects are really nice, but rain will drown my machine
- Voice acting - I know it's supposed to be over-the-top and/or action movies cliches, but the it is really repetitive and cringe all the way (I found this really hot, when somebody get's head blown off, or "Annie, gun, get it?" in simp voice)
- Large battles take ages (Red Mine, Port Cacao siege to name a few), but I see it will be addressed in the patch down the line
- The combat is supposed to be "realistic", but it is too realistic damage wise, and 6 sniper main team is the only way to go. In Fallout BoS and Wasteland 2, close combat build was viable, but here it is really hard. Each wound takes % of the max life and there is not enough armor to send someone straight in the middle of battle and have do some serious damage. I had to use it few times in underground or when enemy rushed me, but stealth sniper head-shots are the best (and most sure) ones.
Posted September 18, 2023.
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376.2 hrs on record (205.7 hrs at review time)
When I finished with RRC and RWE, and got that itch for RRT I found about Transport Fever 2. Played it for quite some time in Free Mode, never advancing later than 1950, re-starting to optimize my transport network chain, while having a blast all the way.

After this latest update, a lot of mods are obsolete, because (for once) the devs really took what was wrong and fixed it for console edition release. There is deluxe edition, but I'm very satisfied for the bang I keep getting for my buck on this gem, so don't think I will buy it.
Posted March 17, 2023.
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31.9 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Planning and placing of the buildings is so gratifying that I had to buy this game. Graphics and details are cool and interesting too, it has different flavor than Two Point series, and there is way less micro (at least so far).
Have to wait for the full release, but I'm satisfied with the beauty for my buck ratio and I won't change definitely my opinion.
Posted March 4, 2023.
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142.9 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Lightweight hybrid of XCOM and BattleTech, with a new turn-based style of "paused real time".
Looks nice, it doesnt take forever to load like parents, and its simple.
The best selling point, from my perspective:

MECH can actually run full speed ahead in other things !!!

No melee, just plain ol' SHIELD UP and run into tanks, giant robots (or even buildings?)

It's a steal for 20e, and we should support developers like these
Posted February 28, 2023.
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70.3 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
Parody turn based RPG, which failed at parody but kicked-ass with RPG. Bought it on sale, worth every cent.
Great fix for XCOM and Divinity: Original Sin fans, who are not whining bit*hes and with a RNG worse than Darkest Dungeon.

Writing is wannabe dank memes, it was too much unnecessary cursing for me, since Im not adolescent or teenager anymore. I disabled voices and blob text, since its mediocre and annoying, after that I really enjoyed the rest of the game.

However, I was blown away by the combat and RPG part. Not too many grinding and optional fights, items and inventory are not swarmed with too much junk. RNG with introduction of "Critical fail" is a new level of masochism, that will make you play Limp Bizkit - Break stuff.mp3 and actually break stuff around you.

Examples: last enemy remaining with 1/4 of hp, mine 3 heroes go: critical fail, critical fail, dodge (everybody had 100%+ on hit chance). I just had to stop and laugh xD

But, I tough it out and this was the only turn-based RPG game which I finished without save/load cheating during combat.
In the end, really really great experience.
For me definite buy, since the combat is really fullfiling.
Posted December 27, 2022.
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1,639.1 hrs on record (623.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

Disclaimer: I'm writing this as a passionate fan, and I'm trying to hype you up to try it at least, because this title deserves a chance, and the game can keep you playing it for years.

One of the most in depth simulators at the moment, and probably one of the BEST ever, period. The amount of depth you get for the price of this game feels like taking a diamond from a baby. The game is fully playable at current state (I've started playing it around May this year, racked 600+ hours), and the replay-ability and modding potential should easily put it in 40 bucks range, so it's unfairly cheap.

I would like to describe this game as reverse Sims business simulator, because it's almost like simulating only work life of your employees. And boy, does it have meat on it's solid bones. Also, really important, this is not JUST a game development tycoon, it is a closest representation to working IT company and digital market simulation. There is a part of: software development, employee/team management, research, law and patents and finally tools for folk to design office buildings.

Here are pluses for the game (I really don't have any issues worth mentioning in review):

- As of latest patch, graphics are now much sharper and better. Generally the game have really decent graphics for it's size, and that's mainly because of the 3D building construction option.

- It runs really smooth, even when I have several hundreds employees on screen at moments. You can even change highest speed for shorter days. I have not experienced crash so far

- Expanded game mechanics for creating software, feels much more closer to real-life project development, with introduction of in-game tools that cant be sold, but can be used for internal development. Modding here is really big, because devs allowed for custom software, frameworks, technologies to be created.

- Beside games, you can create OS, Office with features, Antivirus, editors - 2D, 3D, audio. Setting up new project is now much faster, because you choose features and have ONLY one part to set the frickin sliders (thank you devs!). However this does not take away from the game's depth, but provides fresh way to play

- There are stock markets, AI companies, research, law-patenting of technology, investments, insurance, infrastructure, all of them adds to the feel of real life IT environment

- Hardware production and printing is interesting, I always find it fun to create new chains of production

Overall a must have game for any person that says I'm a business simulator fan. That's it.
Posted October 2, 2022.
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318.6 hrs on record (115.5 hrs at review time)
Build factory - Design components - Create vehicle - Sell

This is the baseline of this game, and some might find it boring. However, details, options, side things are so abundant and in-depth, that give this game thickness none of the new gen tycoon games have. "Spreadsheet Tycoon" is this game's type and I'm in love with it. I'm the kind of person that played Lula (Wet the sexy empire) for the tycoon part mainly and I really enjoy a game where you can tweak, optimize, design and be proud of what you've created. I really don't care about graphics, for me the most important things for a game to have are: run smoothly and give me all the data my eyes are craving.

It is a hard to learn game, and the beginning can be overwhelming with all the windows, specs, numbers, lists etc. Tutorials are really enough to get you started, and there are videos, however I watched first gameplay on the youtube, emulated what the guy did, and I managed to have a successful start. The auto-assist function when creating components and vehicles is a total plus for the beginners, and a constant stream of money was secured, I've started experimenting and tweaking. And boy, o boy, are there thing to tweak.

You can play this game as you wish, total micromanagement freak, or the CEO that delegate pretty much everything (and I mean almost everything can be automated). It takes long to understand all the numbers, but that's the fun part of it.
"Added value" are racing, research, military and civilian contracts, wars, stock market, and more.

If you're hardcore tycoon player, this game is a birthday cake with a stripper inside.
10/10 from me.
Posted March 31, 2022.
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468.1 hrs on record (105.1 hrs at review time)
I don't remember last time a game has got me so hard, I talked about it for days. It's easy to learn, there are tutorials for everything, but the fun part is exploration of new things, how they work and (for me the most important thing) plan it and after, optimize it.
For new players I highly suggest watching gameplay on YT (ConflictNerd has great new play created few weeks ago on the latest version) because it will fast track you on how things work, what things to watch out for and already tested concepts. The real beauty is that you can play it as you like it, there is no "best" way. My playstyle is to cram everything up, optimize it to the fullest and make passengers go the way I want (you can't enter or leave passenger zone without going trough my shop AND cafe). Also, it is not fast paced, play is basically: pause and plan the overlay, build it, open for passengers and then just watch.

Score: hard 8/10
Posted January 30, 2022.
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74.5 hrs on record (22.8 hrs at review time)
Russian Fallout, that's it. Will write full review, as soon as I stop playing. Definitely worth the price.
Posted December 23, 2018.
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