7 people found this review helpful
4.8 hrs last two weeks / 1,303.4 hrs on record (682.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 1, 2020 @ 12:58pm
Updated: Nov 18, 2021 @ 12:03pm

Kards is Free 2 Play for those who know how to play and are willing to grind without needing to pay. (Unlikely for newbies of the genre)

Sadly there's exclusive content being hidden behind a massive paywall with increasingly higher pricing (Especially not newbie friendly)

Still, the game is very fun to play and collecting new cards is made easier due to the recently 'expanded' rewards system.
The balance jumps all over the place when cards get buffed or nerfed, and at times certain cards are just as unfair as can be.

Luckily the community is quick to respond and the Devs are equally quick to address where needed, which is good for all tbh.

More content is said to come quicker, however if the pricing (paywall) trend follows this same route, i doubt that my personal feeling about this game will remain as positive or become rather negative.

I like(d) to purchase cards once in a while yes, but making things 'exclusive content', that to me doesn't feel like the right choice to be for everyone (except maybe for the Uber Fans with money to burn)..

For now however, and i wish there was a 'maybe' recommendation option, I will moderately recommend it instead.
The game is good, albeit flawed in several ways. Therefore i'll give Kards a personal score of: 72.5/100
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^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] May 2 @ 10:35pm 
As a final reminder to new or returning players: This game is no longer Casual Friendly!
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Feb 14 @ 1:04pm 
Update: The "new - >NEW<" Crate mechanic is TOTAL BS!
Well, the greedy Devs concluded that the crates were opened too easily, so they revamped it in order to slow down the proces 500%!!!
Instead the initial 1320 Gold, You'll now need at least 6600 Gold in order to reach 5th crate with gold alone...
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Dec 20, 2023 @ 2:44am 
Update: The "new" Crate mechanic is BS!
You"ll better stay clear and accumulate lots of gold before opening the crate!
It will ALWAYS reset itself every week, so you can't save your progression for the next.
At first it was said that you would be able to do so, but upon closer inspection it wasn't.
In order for a player to reach Elite (5th) crate you'll at least need 990 - 1320 gold.
Just calculate how long it would take a casual player to gain that amount of gold.
It's just BS :steamthumbsdown:
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Nov 21, 2023 @ 10:25pm 
Update: The Winter Expansion is coming. Good news for those that can't get enough of course, but the sad part however is, it costs 500 diamonds (new ingame currency) which has the equivalent of roughly € 50,- Did i say the devs are becoming more and more greedy, well here you go! :minisave:
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Jul 26, 2023 @ 1:24am 
Update: As predicted, Kards has indeed strayed from its vanilla F2P style and has become a more P2W (or spend even more money) type of card battler game. The Latest Expansion Date: 06/27/23, has made it all to clear, that ever since Kards regarded itself as Esports and while adding a mobile version as well, that their intentions have become increasingly greedy.
Newcomers be very aware of this, because the 'newest' reviews are not lying..
Hence, i will change my initial positive review to a semi-positive one.
A shame really, but somewhat to be expected.

Final score: 6.5/10
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Sep 19, 2020 @ 2:18pm 
Update: The game is actually getting better at this stage and the devs are slowly turning things around by introducing more rewards which lowers the threshold that newcomers face and thus finally making it more newbie friendly like many requested. Kudos to the developers for listening to their supporting fans (it's a step in the right direction again)..
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Aug 10, 2020 @ 2:13am 
@Stonedog much appreciated mate! :charm:
Stonedog Aug 9, 2020 @ 11:06pm 
I must say you review here is spot on. I will say the Devs , 2 Brothers and a friend of theirs , are at heart good guys. I got to know them pretty well over my time with KARDS .

One of the things that you bring up is something I tried very hard to get both Devs and long time player/Vet Alpha/Beta testers , was the new player experience .

KARDS is a excellent game , but it is a harsh mistress and shows no mercy to beginners . Whether you play AI or PvP , its not uncommon for newcomers to take a beating for a short time.

Those that stick it out find a very F2P and very well made game. I just wonder though , how many did not hang around to discover the gem of a game once they get over the very steep and brutal learning curve.

All that said, its worth ones time if you like CCG and WWII games. Its well made , and fun once you get the hang of it.

It is also made by a handful of truly decent people whom love the product they designed .

Fantastic review ! :2018bestaward:
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Aug 6, 2020 @ 3:46am 
Seems i'm right about something?
The more recent reviews are making the overall score drop even further downwards.. :steamsad:
^1BigBossMan1978 [BE] Jul 3, 2020 @ 8:11am 
As the way things are now, i have to say that the game isn't newbie friendly (#hardcore cheating#fanboys).
Yet, it doesn't change my feelings about the quality/potential of the game.
However, as it stands Kards is Pay to Win and very exploitable in not the best of ways!
I bought the campaign (which does not offer a whole lot), and i can't refund it because it's just a part of the base game which is free.
Would i consider refunding it if i could?

Yeah buddy!!