
E.M.J. ㋛ 最近的評論

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5 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 4.8 小時 (評論時已進行 3.8 小時)
Very mid-game with much that needed polish, but I'm giving a recommendation due to it's wellmeaning valiant effort and for it shining a light on a real issue. However while making a cat simulator they inadvertently made more of a "people are horrible" simulator. I mean the human "villian" of the piece is more relatable & understandable than any other... Well.

張貼於 9 月 22 日。
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總時數 1.2 小時
As cliche' as they come.
張貼於 9 月 21 日。
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總時數 4.4 小時 (評論時已進行 4.4 小時)
The most ambitious one in the series so far (hope for more), and even though the jump scares are a bit overused at this point, the grander scope of this horror adventure makes up for it. You get several locations, looking out windows to see people and cars go past makes the world feel more alive, there's more to do, minigames, some voice acting, and as always top notch atmosphere.

But there's also some yank like clipping, or being pushed around by NPCs while in conversation, translation errors, and the game is easily broken by using objects in unintended ways. I wouldn't necessarily call that a bad thing though. There is replay value in exploring the game in every way possible, as well as for hunting achievements (much of my extra time ingame so far has been dedicated to trying to catch a certain kind of fish and the little effer don't seem to wanna spawn for me).

These games have always excelled at setting mood and putting you in uncomfortable scenarios, as silly as you sometimes get there by logical standards, they still do try to explain it or find ways to motivate characters, more or less succesfully. And there are what feels like tonnes of details and clues to find, certainly in this episode, and I'm not talking boring notes, but rather things going missing that could be easily missed, sound cues in certain places, people phrasing things a certain way or omitting info, etc. I find them all super entertaining despite their (charming) flaws. I still don't know if there is a way to go back to main menu though.

The biggest mystery though, is why would a pizzeria serve seated customers their pizzas in boxes, when there are plate assets in other parts of the game... And are there really ovens with more than 4 top heating elements...?
張貼於 9 月 21 日。 最後編輯於 9 月 21 日。
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總時數 22.3 小時
Super relaxing and chill, if a smidge unpolished when I played it. The devs do update it though. I would love a sequel.
張貼於 9 月 19 日。 最後編輯於 9 月 19 日。
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總時數 7.9 小時
Well, that was depressing.
張貼於 9 月 12 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 0.8 小時
Super charming! I especially appreciate the cutscenes and wonky English.
張貼於 9 月 10 日。 最後編輯於 9 月 10 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 2.0 小時
Fun! Looks good, plays well, especially for a teams first game.
張貼於 9 月 9 日。
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總時數 20.1 小時
As with all Chinese Room games I've played the story telling is immaculate. Visuals, voice acting and sound are most impressive. Controls are a bit finnicky and could be smoother, especially during swimming sections. At times you had to find the exact spot in which a button prompt would enable and to do that under stress of drowning was true horror, my goodness gracious, I almost quit out. At a point or two I also got caught on seams in the environment and had to jump over them, if you're too fast you may start talking over yourself having triggered 2 voice lines simultaniously, and once I got into an seemingly infinite death loop, but the game sorted that out itself thankfully (well coded, ty, devs). There are also a great deal of accessibility option aside from all other standard options. I am unsure about the FPS cap though.

The murky waters here with oil ontop are the true highlight to me, immensely terrifying.

I appreciate the realistic details, such as going down on all four to traverse beams, as any sane person would in real life. None of this idiotic balancing on 2 legs when your life depends on it. That you also have to warm up on heaters after being submerged in ice cold water, thank you, you don't survive those temperatures for long. The banter between crew mates was fun too and added much life to the story.

It's really really good existential horror. Walking sim, I don't agree. I got turned around some, especially in water, and so you can actually get lost, if only for a short while, even though, yes, the game is linear. There is some platforming, QTEs, stealth sections, chase sequences, all of which you can fail and die to, but no, you cannot defend yourself in hand to hand combat in any other way than to struggle free if the option presents itself. Some people just like to call anything that don't have gunplay walking sims. Like Outlast, or Super Mario.

Story is open for some interpretation so if that annoys you more often than it intrigues you and makes you think, maybe stay clear. At the heart of it it's about acceptance I would say. If you like Alien, Lovecraft, John Carpenter and David Cronenberg you may very well enjoy it.

*Playing again the sound design is possibly the best I've ever played in my life and def the highlight of the game*
張貼於 9 月 1 日。 最後編輯於 9 月 18 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 17.2 小時
Others have mentioned cozy, low stakes, relaxing, and wholesome, and that's about all you need to know. There is a chance of motion sickness though, if you are in that risk zone. Also, if I have one complaint it is that I found an objective or two kind of cryptic. None of the puzzles though, which were just perfect for a well balanced relaxing but full experience. (Don't mind the ingame time, I went to dinner and then fell promptly asleep and this was running for an hour or two extra, it does not overstay it's welcome or is bloated in any way). It's just perfect if you're sort of burnt out mentally and/or emotionally either on life, work or gaming.
張貼於 8 月 26 日。 最後編輯於 8 月 26 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 6.2 小時
NOTE: THIS IS A REVIEW FOR THE CO OP EXPERIENCE. The devs has specified that it was meant first and foremost as a single player game and the co op was simply an addition. One can keep that in mind.


The gameplay is quite fun. Basically going from arena to arena, being locked in fighting enemies until you are allowed to progress to the next area. Hub area inbetween chapters. Guns, abilities, upgrades, enemies, all good. Rail shooting sections and bossfights (etc?) to add flavour and variety.

Why are there like 3 different buttons to do basically the same thing though, like open/kick/bash or whatnot, and one of them opens a door and another a chest. Why? Streamline your controls. It's like 20 buttons for a simple beat 'em up, don't make it more confusing than it has to be.


THE HDR, MY GOD MY EYES! It is like looking into the sun. Honestly, the wild west could be so beautiful but it looks so cr_p, it physically hurts. Even after fiddling with the settings in menu. I'm not gonna reset and Frankenstein my entire screen setup just for this one game to make it okay. I'm not sure what artistic choice that was but ugh.

THE WRITING, if one can call it that. Was it written by AI? It's so painfully cringe, my partner and I started skipping cutscenes even though it was our first time playing. Story and lore seems to make little sense or matter much anyway, and there are zero likeable characters. Drama is not arguing like petty children at a playground, it's so boring and cringe, it even has a "I'm not gay bro!" joke, in this day and age! If not written by AI I assume it was someone on the teams 8 year old boy. WTF was that..? It tries to be funny and badass and fails miserably at both.

CO OP ISSUES like only the host can play certain sections and the other player has to wait for them to finish it, I don't think their screen even conveys what happens, it just pauses for them until the host is done. And if the host dies during the section, the co op partner is kicked out of the session and one has to restart the game to continue.

INFO DUMPS MID FIGHTS! Perhaps this is a co op issue only, since maybe in single player it'd pause while you read, but rly, dying or losing health due to text boxes seems rather unfair. It also seldom (if ever?) give you info on the enemies, which would be useful.

I HAD TO ACTUALLY GOOGLE WHERE TO FIND CERTAIN THINGS IN THE MENU! I think it was "chapter select", and it was like under "Lore". Why...? What..? Who...? I had to google how to continue game after my partner disconnected. I think that was a first for me. That was the final straw for the moment. I might get back to it but as of now I am not really motivated to do so.
張貼於 8 月 13 日。 最後編輯於 8 月 15 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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