Mr Snugglepants
Kristoffer Håkansson   Gavle, Gavleborgs Lan, Sweden
Super loud ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ extrordinare and all around annoying voiceguy. :D
If you're here cause i facecamped you in DBD as the nurse or something i'll refer you to the standard response posted below
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6.8 Hours played
Have you even seen something so stupid that is turns kinda fun. This game is that feeling. Im not even kidding. It started out as a joke trailer that the developer put out on Youtube. Then people started going "I would totally buy this". Now we have the game and it's gloriously stupid.
But there's a difference between this kind of stupid and lets say Mass Effect 3 ending stupid. This is stupid and it knows it. It's dumb to the extreme and it doesnt hold back. Not even for a second. It has bullet time, bycicle riding and you can lick things to carry them around. There's even some easter eggs.

This is one of those games that reinforces my faith in games. Why? Cause the whole purpose of it is to be as dumb and fun as possible. Thats the magic word when it comes to games, FUN. I've seen so many games ending up as a snorefest just because the developers trying to make a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ difference in the world just because they belive that it'll matter. Games are something you use to escape from reality. They dont need to have a meaning. Thats kind of the point. I play games to experience something that i'll never experince otherwise and this is accually a good game for that. People like to bash it cause of it being dumb as a bag of rocks. But between this and something like Gone Home. I'll pick this every day. Think about it. I can either be a goat, run around and headbutt stuff and climb high buildings just to look at the view or i can walk though an empty house to look for notes and Gone Home is still rated higher on practicly any review site of any public vote. Gone Home has a story to it. It's more realistic and is one of those games that tries to make you think. But they forgot that small magic word. FUN is not experienced in gone home and thats why i dont like it. But Goat Sim has everything from hanggliders to Satanic sacrifices. You cant blame the developers of not trying to make you smile and thats the charm of the game.

Seriously, try it out.
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Okay, just gonna ready another arroAAAAOGH *accidental screenshot *
attackshark [Maker's Marcus] May 16, 2013 @ 1:38pm 
if you get the chance, ignore this guy. he smells awful and i heard he eats at taco bell.
Am_Duddle Feb 22, 2011 @ 1:02pm