Dark Thund3r
Aaron   Colorado, United States
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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Review Showcase
17.1 Hours played
10/10, Absolutely fantastic!, this game is a masterpiece of a dating sim/rpg. There is so much love, effort, and care put into this game. Almost the whole entire game is COMPLETELY voice acted, almost every scene is animated, and the combat is interesting and phenomenal. This game is perfect for those who love fantasy and romance, I would buy this game 10 times over if I could. Absolutely amazing, everyone who worked on this game should feel extremely proud of themselves because this is a masterpiece.
Review Showcase
4.8 Hours played
We all have our inner demons and have struggled with something in our lives and that's what this game masterfully displays. There is at least one part of this game that anybody who plays it can relate too. For me personally Jack's part hit the closest to home. This game is an extremely correct and metaphorical display of what it's like to struggle with inner turmoil and yet try your hardest to fix it and to make everything okay. This game may not be very long (took me about 4.8 hours to beat it) but it's definitely worth every penny to me. A masterfully made game with extremely cool gameplay and a premise that not a lot of games touch upon, 10/10 excellently made.