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Posted: Apr 19, 2021 @ 8:48pm
Updated: Sep 27, 2022 @ 8:24pm

Truly a bizarre piece of political commentary.
So, in the story of Quake 4, you live in a world after the French president Emmanuel Macron has been assassinated. Apparently, he was also president of a hostile race of Borg French aliens trying to give people sick implants that unlock cyborg arms and legs. Your character, Matthew Kane, is part of a human military operation sent to destroy the French cyborg operation and put a stop to Daft Punk once and for all.

However, halfway through the plot, you discover that Macron is in fact not dead and is augmented with robot legs, showing off the wonders of the French healthcare system. He then proceeds to strap you to a chair where the French aliens give you new cyborg implants. You then escape the lab with your buddies and have better health and abilities due to these augmentations. It was at this point that I realized the game was based and making an allegory to how effective a socialized, single payer healthcare system is. A bold direction for this old franchise!

If you want to get it up and running, definitely consult PCGamingWiki[www.pcgamingwiki.com] for tips on how to run it on modern hardware. You can also download Sikkmod for added awesome features but be aware that it breaks the weapon upgrades. So apparently, if you are using v1.2 like I was, the latest version, you need to download the v1.1 version and just extract the file called game000.pk4 from v1.1 and paste into you Sikkmod v1.2 folder in the game's directory. This will replace the .pk4 from v1.2 and will give you the weapon upgrades as you earn them. Unfortunately, the mod forums also point out that this breaks floor textures in a specific level, but you can walk on the floor. It's just not visible.

So yeah, an underrated gem that is a bit of a mess to get running on modern machines, but well worth it to experience the magic of French healthcare!
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Deputy Swamp Ass Apr 20, 2021 @ 3:06am 
Shots fired!
Otter Chaos Apr 20, 2021 @ 2:33am 
Such a scary story made me 'quake' in my boots. Hah, just kidding. I don't have boots. Heck, I don't have feet since socialized medicine took them from me. Har, just kidding again. I'm American, I don't have healthcare. Oh, and you left an 'i' out of biased.