Medico di Biscotti

Creator of biscottiHUD []
If it's about my HUD, then please leave a comment on my profile or report an issue on the GitHub page for the HUD.
Alternatively, please change your name to "Ding Dong Armadillo", then I'll accept your friend request.

And please don't comment +rep. I find it suspicious since I've never interacted with you.

Be warned, I will delete any comments I make on profiles using because it will spam my notifications whenever respams the trade links. Why that thing exists I will never know. I hate it with a passion.
GitHub []
Screenshots []

I also made a TF2 CFG that's available on GitHub [].
Currently Offline
Before adding me, in case you didn't read the profile info.
If it's about my HUD, then please leave a comment on my profile or report an issue on the GitHub page for the HUD.
Alternatively, please change your name to "Ding Dong Armadillo", then I'll accept your friend request.

I have a nasty habit of just not responding to people adding me otherwise. So please, tell me why first.

And please don't comment +rep. I find it suspicious since I've never interacted with you.

If it's about an item, 99% of the time I'm not gonna want to sell. I don't want you to waste your time.
Medico di Biscotti Jan 6, 2023 @ 7:43am 
budhud is actually where I got the idea from.
upgradeninja Jan 6, 2023 @ 5:39am 
nice, appreciate it. I heard budhud had streamer mode too but it wasn't advertised at all on the official pages
Medico di Biscotti Jan 6, 2023 @ 3:11am 
Huh, those links should've been formatted nicer. Oh well.
Medico di Biscotti Jan 6, 2023 @ 3:10am 
Yes, the [$WIN32] is just non-console according to . Confusing naming. For sure, a fix to smaller fonts on Linux is to change all the font definitions using a [$LINUX] tag and make them taller. I just think there's far too many font definitions for that to be the best solution. What I was gonna do was make a copy of the font files themselves and try to edit them. When I get around to it. I also took this solution from .

To upgradeninja, I've been looking at what Whisker did in budhud, and there's a few changes that I don't have in mine. The changes line up with what you're describing. I probably can't fix everything you've listed, like server notifications or menu popups. But I can implement what Whisker's done.
Coolstuff Jan 6, 2023 @ 1:22am 
To clarify, changing the 4th block is what changes the chat font. Sorry, not a dev. I don't understand why it changes or how. I just know changing the previously stated string under the 4th block changes the font size.
Coolstuff Jan 6, 2023 @ 1:13am 
Heya again, just did some more debugging in the chatscheme.res file. On linux, changing the code from

"name" "Verdana"
"tall" "12" [$WIN32]
"tall" "15" [$X360]
"tall" "18"
"weight" "700"
"yres" "480 599"
"dropshadow" "1"

to have the "12" in "tall" "12" [$WIN32] changed to something like "30" on 1-5 makes the chat bigger. Not sure if it's supposed to be reading that on Linux, but it is anyways. So uh. Yeah. I think that might help when you're testing it on your own.