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This game has a lot of flaws currently, but sadly the biggest cause of negative reviews seems to be people not understanding what type of game it is... for me personally this has been the most fun I've had in a game in awhile, in a very chill sort of way.

crafting and building just kinda work.. I see people complain about rng, but that doesn't bother me at all.. in the real world if you attempt something new, a lot of the time you'll fail and be able to not salvage most of the materials (woodworking people get it).

The environment just feels good to be in and explore.

The community is so far very nice, I've met quite a few kind people.

An rp players wet dream.

Combat is very barebones currently. It works but it isn't super engaging. However I dont view this as a fighting or pvp game as much anyways.

As much as I love crafting here, the xp loss in failure is a bit much. Should be maybe 1/5 xp from a failure not 1/10th or less since your already losing most materials.

No global inventory from chests in your plot. I get why this isn't here. But it does feel inconvenient if you arent very organized.

Overall solid 7/10 from me. But you have to go in understanding this isn't a pvp or combat game,and br willing to travel to meet people and rely on others. I'm basically a wandering blacksmith trading my wares for materials that are rare near my house and it's been incredibly fun.
Publicada em 20 de junho.
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2,685.9 horas registradas (2,501.1 horas no momento da análise)
I love counterstrike, been playing it since I was about 8 years old. But sadly I cannot recommend anyone play CS2 in it's current state. Pretty much every game of competitive, whether that is premier, or just old school competitive matchmaking, has a hacker in it. At this point, it's so easy to do, most people don't even try to hide it. One guy even had links to his other accounts he switches to to avoid bans in his steam profile, so you could go through all of them and see how much he cheats.

Beyond that, the game just feels worse in a lot of way than CS:GO did. Before it felt like playing a polished game that went F2P, now it feels like playing a F2P game that needs polishing. Hopefully they figure it out, because as it is, most of my friends have already quit, and I am uninstalling it after today... I felt like I wanted to play, but out of 4 games, all 4 had at least 1 cheater, whether on mine or the other team.
Publicada em 31 de janeiro.
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9.4 horas registradas
Game is insanely fun at the start, super addicting, but you will quickly run into major issues, the main one being the terrible "full loot drop on death" It wouldn't be so bad if there was some sort of limits, but as it is, if you want to progress at all you will eventually have to go to areas where a bunch of No-life level 60+ players are abusing game mechanics to kill level 10's.

My experience so far has been, Oh hey dungeons are so fun! playing with friends is awesome, oh hey I finally have the gear to do tier 6, lets go! Oh only 1 hostile person marked we'll be fine. OH NEVER MIND THEY CAN JUST STEALTH AND IT DOESN'T COUNT THEM AS HOSTILE. So basically you think an area won't be bad, but really it's an army of stealthers with 1 guy scouting, and you will just lose all your stuff.

A big portion of this games issues could be fixed if they gave some sort of penalty, but instead they give high level people an amazing incentive to gang bang low levels. 5 level 60's lose nothing for killing level 10's they just get all their gear and anything in their inventory.

Long story short, when the game works it's fun. but there is no point in playing a game where your progress can and will be ripped away at random times by bored max levels since there is very little endgame. For perspective the way gear works is item power, at one point I was at at 800 power,(full T4) and a dude in full t8 gear (1700 power) just walks by and nukes me out of nowhere and takes all my stuff. He gains almost nothing by it besides ruining my time, but the game thrives on that. You'll notice looking at reviews most of the ones that don't have a problem with this style are ones with 1500+ hours, because they have the gear to do it to others. or people with very low hours that haven't made it to the midgame, and the early game is amazing. It's either fun if you are willing to dump 100s of hours into it, or right when you start, but other than that it is just frustrating.

TL:DR fun game when it works, PVP is completely busted, and full loot drops against max levels is a busted gimmick and they should feel bad for implementing it without much thought.
Publicada em 25 de janeiro de 2020. Última edição em 25 de janeiro de 2020.
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629.8 horas registradas (538.3 horas no momento da análise)
Besides the obvious things everyone else is saying about corporate greed, just avoid this game because it is absolute garbage. Everytime they release a decent patch they destroy the game with the next one, it's an endless cycle of incompetence.. They refuse to fix their god awful servers and optimization and instead rely on trying to make money by adding crates.
To be fair I was all about this game for a long time, and I really felt the last patch went in the right direction. It wasn't great but it felt smoother and slightly more polished. Now after this most recent one, I have so far died to a guy shooting me two more times after I rounded a corner (couldn't even see me anymore in the killcam), punched a guy out only to die from him shooting me as I was looting his body. (kill cam was literally me crouched on his body and 2 bullets coming from nowhere). And finally having the wonderful experience of using the S12k on some guy that was standing still, only to have him turn and 1 shot me, upon review none of my shots did any damage and he was rubberbanding.
As a slight sidenote, whichever ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at bluehole thought "hey, people that play FPS games absolutely love not having a gun to shoot" should be fired immediately. there is nothing fun about landing at a place like pochinki/pecado/military base, then searching 5 building or half of a barracks and getting nothing, not even a pistol. Bring back the patch when you released the vector where you could enter any building in the game and get like 2 AR's or at least an SMG.

At the end of all of this all I can really say is, in its current state, I recommend no one buys this game. And unless they take a lonnggg look at themselves (yea right, to busy suing people for no reason) this game will remain trash.
Publicada em 2 de junho de 2018.
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