Gordon Birdman
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jalmuth 2023 年 7 月 27 日 下午 1:30 
The Bread Bringer 2023 年 6 月 3 日 上午 8:10 
Kaprine 2023 年 4 月 5 日 上午 4:50 
U-Um, if it's okay with you, I can try to explain the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Among Us terms. 💫🚀

Among Us is a game where players take on the roles of crew members on a spaceship. It's really exciting! 🛸👨‍🚀👩‍🚀 But, um, there are impostors among the crew who try to sabotage the spaceship and, um, kill the crew members. 😱🕵️‍♂️🔪

So, um, John F. Kennedy was the captain of the spaceship and was playing as a crew member when the impostor, Lee Harvey Oswald, um, infiltrated the spaceship and, um, carried out the assassination. It was a really sad moment for everyone. 😔👨‍✈️👀

I hope that, um, helps you! If you have any other questions, please let me know. Thank you! 😊👋
Dzan50 2023 年 1 月 16 日 上午 10:13 
+rep Parrot samurai demolished our team today https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2919108548
Mr.Fahrenheit 2022 年 11 月 16 日 上午 10:17 
Happy 2022 年 10 月 31 日 上午 11:20 
You're doin good lad