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0.6 hrs on record
TLDR: Game is abandoned, you will get hard locked due to bugs, would not recommend even on sale for 50% off, Game MIGHT be worth .50 to .99 cent in its current state

This game still isnt fully translated so you will have issues with that unless you already know the langue.

As other recent reviews show there are still major bugs in the game that the dev has yet to fix, The reason for them not fixing it is Because they abandoned it in 22 so that should tell you plenty, Too much abandon ware on steam
Posted March 23.
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11.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
while it being a free game, this has VERY little info on playing it so if you havent played one similar to it youll be restarting alot trying to figure out why your people refuse to work anymore thusly having your civ die out.

Then there is how the resources work (Not to mention no tool tips for the buildings) when unlocking new rss you have to hope it doesnt spawn them on your ALREADY placed buildings or worse a monument that took 6 or 7 IRL days to build because then you have to decide if your gonna "sell" the building of which you get NOTHING for which isnt selling at all..... or let the sparse rss go ignored so you didnt just waste 6 days building something and/or lvling it up with the millions of rss that costs ( no not exaggerating some of the buildings req that much just to get to lvl 20, some just for 10).

At the end of the day it is a time waster but in a bad way
Posted March 15.
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59.0 hrs on record
If you can get it to play it is a nice game but their support is absolute trash. When the game started messing up on me their only response was to blame my ISP and anyone who has dealt with an ISP knows that "It's never their fault" and so they point the finger back at the game or someone else. So yea super helpful playing the blame game esp when its the game at fault for having issues, (Still got this response even after I switch ISP) ontop of which I have had zero issues with other online games I played at the time, Rust, World of warships, World of warplanes, Ark, 7DTD and others some of which were at the same time because I wanted to see if my internet and computer could handle it and yes it did fine with no lag and the people I played with only knew about it because my sound overlapped by accident lol but the companies response was that it was my bad internet???
Posted September 8, 2023.
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58.5 hrs on record (29.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
All this time and they have yet to add an endscreen for when all your people die because they refuse to eat or drink.
Posted August 17, 2023.
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10.8 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
My verdict is wait a year or so and see where the game is during its work, so I wouldnt recommend it right now but maybe later

I like the Idea of this game and hoping they get further than another game that tried this (No idea if that one got abandoned or not but there havent been any updates for over a year on it) and work out some bugs and other choices that hurt game-play, like sawed off shotguns can be used to snipe you from halfway across the map, AI is very accurate like in arma so your vehicles get sniped by the rpgs which shouldn't be able to see them much-less have an angle on them, meanwhile your guys are dumber than a bag of rocks and not only will shoot you but others on their side, just so they can shoot that one enemy ai across the map, they miss more with the rpgs than the enemy does (AI doesn't miss but maybe once out of every 20 shots) and then there is the overworld map cities starve very fast because you dont start with any food producing buildings (the game does not tell you this) and when you do build them its a chore to send food to every city you have and so this gets worse the more you take and more construction slots go to food buildings which keep you from building an army.
The squad builder doesnt like to keep the work you put into it so still just slaps what ever to it when you switch to another one to design your squads. When you build regular squads you get a random pick of either police, militia, or something else and not even your squad you made. On the note for the editor it would be better to not only have tool-tips for these weapons and tanks etc. but they should only show the ones you can build.

Also alot of times I am forced to alt f4 the game because after battle it just sits there on a black screen

I do hope they add in an airforce at some-point as well, even with the problems I listed they have done quite well and I hope they keep it up for the future but we will see
Posted April 28, 2023. Last edited April 28, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
31.8 hrs on record (24.9 hrs at review time)
TLDR: nothing new just like all the others in a city builder game, many bugs that still havent been fixed "Design choices" at this point, God mode from the game itself by clicking X and ignoring it, events are not random the choices are the same so all you have to do is write down the best choice when you find it (Reloading save). Overall bad design choices which make no sense and does not contribute to a fun experience but just makes the game feel like a chore

For a "finished" game it has several game breaking bugs, I can see why people say its "Impossible" to beat and thats mostly because the game makes you soft lock yourself throughout the game which quickly turn into a hard-lock so thats just bad balancing and poor design.
It also has some poorly thought out mechanics such as your hull (HP) falls rather fast "Just cause" which doesnt make sense on top of that by advancing the story you lose HP that you cant get back, you also lose it by opening more sectors so you can have a bigger pop and the needed factory's and food to do anything and you lose morale way too fast as well that you cant get back either since its permanent, I.e you lose morale for having too many people, you lose it for not having enough, etc.
You can build buildings that "Help" regain the lost morale but they only have a small effect as well as you cant build them in the sector that needs it since the buildings wont fit, they only effect the place they are built which is pointless.

There are plenty more issues to mention but due to a "bug" which stayed after release It makes me wonder if its a feature to counter the hull and morale loss events.

This is it----just ignore (Click the X) the pop up that comes up which normally means you lost, Before I lost interest I got close to beating the game on 0 hull and 0 morale, which makes the "Impossible" claims and other game ending complaints moot since you get "God mode" from the game itself lol. For the record this was in since it was first announced and after testing just prior to the review is still in, with the amount of players hard to imagine this "Bug" went unnoticed for so long

I for one didnt find it that difficult (Not counting the poor design) since I grew up playing city building games so I already had a good idea how this game would go it doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Posted April 28, 2023. Last edited April 28, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
3.3 hrs on record
Game no longer functions most people report that the most recent update basically just deleted the game files so it is empty. It is currently impossible to play this game without getting a pirated copy first but if you did that why are you here?
At this point having it up for money with nothing to show for it is just a scam
Posted December 20, 2022.
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23.8 hrs on record
This game is abandoned from all the posts about it and people arent wrong with the many issues either, It feels like right before the dev cut and run they posted an update that destroyed the game, many features that are now massively broken were working before the last update, It is very unplayable now since core functions no longer work such as being able to buy supplies which are needed at the start of the game, AI has become brain dead that they only work for a few mins then refuse to do anything at all even when all the needs are met
Posted December 14, 2022. Last edited December 14, 2022.
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0.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
TLDR Avoid this; Seems abandoned; Buggy mess

Seems to be abandoned but even if that wasn't the case it has many issues, such as objectives not completing ( I couldn't even get past the tutorial quests because of this).

In-game options menu will disappear on you. All text was very small for me even on different resolutions, there is no resize option at all, but if you get past that then you get to deal with the brightness that apparently is meant to blind you anyways unless the dev just turns their monitors brightness way way way down?

As mentioned the tutorial quests are messed up, assuming you can read it anyways it wants things that (as a new player to the game) wouldn't even know what it is, I.E you must get iron but it gives no indication as to what counts as iron in this, I did find copper but that was Gold in color so you see my meaning. Plenty more to go on about but not worth the effort
Posted November 27, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Wait and see if the developer keeps at the game or abandons it I would not buy it right now in its current state

The game is poorly done with little direction in it. The tutorial is very bad as it overlaps itself with the text screens (this happens on other text pop ups as well). I just didn't have all that much fun with it for the listed reason and the fact the game couldn't even tell what was unlocked or not, so at times infinite resources other times none, long crafting times jumps between instant and several days, so that made it annoying to play. Over all way too many bugs got in the way. The idle management is somewhat okay even if its not really idle management etc.
Plus based on how support was when I requested a refund right after the purchase isnt wining any points here
Posted August 4, 2022.
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