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Análises recentes de SalusaSecundus

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196.0 horas registradas
Sketchy, aggressive monetization structure.

The game has the potential to be very, VERY fun but the progression curve is just not worth it. Better if you play with people you know, on lower levels. To go high you need to spend major sums of money. Although the situation improved greatly with the June 13th Update, the game still requires real money investment if you have any interest on getting anywhere outside ww2 era vehicles.
Publicada em 14 de junho de 2023. Última edição em 21 de junho de 2023.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
15.3 horas registradas (9.0 horas no momento da análise)
First of all: Aerofly it's a simulator and a training tool, not really a game. it's kind of important to get this to begin in order to avoid misconceptions. it has recieved little to no support in the last years and there is no new big updates on the horizon, so really, graphics are good but kinda old and the program itself is kind of a dead end concerning future content.

Given this, Aerofly is probably the simulator with the best physics representation of the real planes. Today there are newer and more modern simulators, specially the Realflight 8, but when it comes to quality of training over quality of graphics i'd say this one is still being better. Also, it's hands down the best simulator if gliders are your stuff to learn.
Publicada em 9 de junho de 2018.
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8.4 horas registradas (7.7 horas no momento da análise)
El segundo intento de Supergiant Games en la escena de los juegos entrega una historia interesante y hermosamente contada. Nuevamente el concepto de Narrador Omnisciente aparece, esta vez tomando la forma de el Transistor: una especie de avanzada tecnología con misteriosos poderes. El sistema de combate, con su opcion de manejarse por turnos o en tiempo real y las múltiples combinaciones de armas y poderes, otorgan una mezcla muy interesante y dinámica, con una curva de aprendizaje cómoda pero sin dejar de ser desafiante.

Gran juego, Ciertamente es un Must Have para cualquiera que haya disfrutado con Bastion y para cualquiera que disfrute una buena historia.
Publicada em 19 de dezembro de 2014.
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