Julian   Germany
If you're looking for a good story with excellent gameplay, i suggest Minesweeper.

It's the story of this courageous young man (played by you), who risks his life to search a minefield and using his cunning math ability, is able to mark each mine to help save his nation. As your journey through the minefield continues, you will encounter many enemies, such as 1s, 2s, 3s and the dredded 4s. The whole time you will be plagued with mathematical riddles, which make you question your own reality. Who put these mines here? Why did they put them here? Who will tell my wife I love her if I fail? Never the less, you must go on, alone. The solo quest is an unrewarding endeavor but for the good of your people, you must not fail. In order to defeat the game, you have to defeat the underboss, 5. After vanquishing this merciless foe, It will feel like you've finally completed your goal, but then the true final boss appear...6. If you've made it this far, and the clock is still ticking, your race against time is over. You've won! When you finish correctly marking the entire field, you go unrewarded but the journey was a reward itself.

The gameplay is flawless. The left and right clicks are responsive and mouse control is undeniably accurate.
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0.8 Hours played
I had more fun playing Arizona Sunshine than this.
Aiming feels terrible, melee doesn't work too well and framerates make me sick.

Game tries to be realistic, but then when you feel like you got your head in your chest. It has an unfun mechanic where you pour zombie guts onto yourself, which puts you into a crawl so the zombies won't be able to find out you're not one of them. Problem is you're easily able to outrun most of the enemies coming your way.
It also looks really bad and smudgy, even on higher resolutions. Voice chat quality is a joke.

I like what the game is trying to do though, it's updated by the developers very often so there is some potential for a good game over here. But that being said, it is not worth the 24,99 Euro price at this moment. Go find something else.
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Muniwyn Jul 28, 2021 @ 2:58pm 
add me, its important
SnaPpY Jun 13, 2021 @ 9:24am 
-rep bad player. Toxic
doctor Jun 10, 2021 @ 5:32am 
where are my 3000 ducats.
Loni Apr 25, 2021 @ 5:22pm 
yo dude, send me a friend request, lets play together
76561199064769329 Feb 13, 2021 @ 1:58am 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
remmeio Jan 26, 2021 @ 3:06pm 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent