Joshua Boan   Blue Springs, Missouri, United States
*Haz new computer built, so shouldn't be down as /often/, but meh*

Information to be given at some point. When I have the time that is :p

Also, if I ever appear online for extended periods of time, that either means I forgot to tell steam to make me appear offline, or my system rebooted/steam restarted and it 'forgot' that I explicitly set myself to appear offline.

And another thing, I do not and will not accept random friend requests out of the blue. You must let me know who you are, if your a friend of a friend or what not, also your profile CANNOT be set to private, I look at profiles of everyone who sends a friend request. If your profile is set to private and you send me a friend request it will be declined. I am going to put this out as well, even if you set your profile to public, so I can see, it will not guarantee that I will accept your friend request, but several undisclosed factors will be taken into consideration before declining/approving your friend request. This also does not give you the right to be upset or mad or flood me with requests after I decline the first one, if you do, you will be irrevokably and permanently blocked.
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
27 hrs on record
last played on May 14
2.4 hrs on record
last played on Apr 30
4,365 hrs on record
last played on Mar 29
JR - Live2D Sharing 🌺 Sep 9, 2021 @ 2:49am 