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Recenzii recente de CptAlph

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93.3 ore înregistrate
Great isometric RPG set in a post-apocalyptic America with a Western flair, with a cool story, nice visuals, good voice acting, and great music. Especially golden for those who may be a little sick of fantasy settings. ::clutch the pearls::
Postat 30 iulie 2023.
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Beautiful little game that was enjoyed by my retired, non-gaming wife as well. :) (She made me buy her her own copy.)
Postat 27 decembrie 2021.
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Super stylized, neon cyberpunk coating on a basic Solitaire game that's a lot of fun. Good for a casual escape of a few hours, depending how much you like Solitaire. The deliciously cheesy FMV cut scenes, excellent flavor text, and the collectible card game style artwork add a lot of enjoyable atmosphere. Worth a play through.
Postat 10 octombrie 2020.
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166.8 ore înregistrate (77.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Turn-based, single-player awesomeness. Squad combat with customization that's fun if you name all your soldiers after friends and family. Absolutely recommended.
Postat 15 august 2013.
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38.2 ore înregistrate
Deep, real-time-strategy game that I originally intended as a "fix" until the new SimCity came out (March 5). I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the strategy, the amount of detail available in the micromanagement options, and the cool, sci-fi backstory with good characters and fun mission chained campaigns. I was *almost* turned off by the initial learning curve as there is no apparent tutorial at first, but came to find out that the first campaigns really *are* the tutorial, and I was happy to have stuck through a couple of play sessions until I got the hang of things. Super fun, polished, deep game. A big Fonzie, "AAAaaaayyyy!" :D
Postat 25 februarie 2013.
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