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魅力三星复活阵法 实例2
Review Showcase
125 Hours played
Review Showcase
1.3 Hours played
1 主机游戏移植痕迹太重,各种操作都是为主机而生,不能切换武器,靠近敌人是近战,远了按住右键进入瞄准模式射击。切换武器到背包界面去谢欢。
2 基地建造模块化简化,不能自由设计摆放任何物件,基地有固定几个地块,只需选择某个地块做什么建筑。同样为了照顾没鼠标的主机手柄操作,不能用简单的鼠标拖动点击解决,
3 战斗简化,武器打击感差,全部玩具枪设计,没有改装。肉搏打丧尸根三国无双一样简单,无脑点即可,偶尔发动固定有限的终结技,一对多轻轻松松。毫无末日感,危机感,紧张感。
4 剧情等于没有剧情,别期望消失的光芒那样一直有什么大剧情带着走。大剧情就是两个人主角突然“空降”到游戏里,都不知道这些是什么,被咬了也不知道怎么办,问医生才知道有解药。
魅力一炮爆 May 15 @ 11:45pm 
@=SMITE= sammy you are welcome to prove you are right , go 1v1 with me
=SMITE= sammy May 15 @ 11:04pm 
Can't even play COH2 Right
ST.CXH May 7 @ 8:58am 
魅力一炮爆 May 6 @ 9:10am 
@LelakiKardus yes, its true that I build 3 panel and no MG to start, and you can go 1v1 with me and prove your recognize is right or wrong.
LelakiKardus May 6 @ 8:53am 
this man doesnt know how to play coh..early game as soviet no MG support and i refuse him to help because i know enemy will spam mg early..this chinese cry bcause lost in his line and blme me bcoz not help..really2 dumb player dosent know his role as soviet
AdanTheChef Apr 30 @ 8:51pm 
good player, does not want to have sex with me. Add me so we can have gay sex, and a lot of it