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2.5 hrs on record
Katamari Damacy but with a hole.

A really simple game that will give you 2-3 hours of silly fun. Nothing amazing, just a nice diversion from playing more serious games. You control a hole and suck down things in the environment to increase the size of the hole and continue to do this until the level is clear. Done.

Not really much to say. If it's on a massive sale, it's worth a few bucks, but full price is way too much for what it has to offer.
Posted May 25.
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3.8 hrs on record
A decent room style game, nothing to write home about, but fun.

This game has a similar feel to a franchise like The Room, and while fun, isn't quite as good. Much more simple, less complex puzzles and objects. But still fun none the less and scratches that itch for me for these types of games.

One issue I experienced. The game bugged out in chapter 8 several times and I had to quit and reload.

I got this game for free, though I would have gladly paid for it. I look forward to playing the sequel when it is released. Definitely worth playing.
Posted May 24.
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22.7 hrs on record
This is a real gem of a metroidvania.

While I have no idea what the story is about, the atmosphere is great. The graphics are amazingly well done for pixel art. Not just the sprites, the game just feels alive. From the moving of the vines, to all of the effects, to the creatures inhabiting the world. It's very impressive.

The game is harder than I thought it would be. There were some areas, particularly ghost dog, that I died a number of times on. Was not expecting that.

The tools that you get in the game are all like toys for some reason. Not sure if there is any reason for that. But they all have unique functionality that make puzzles interesting, but nothing too hard. Not until you get to the end and you start chasing secrets. This is one of those games where you just have to use a guide. There is one in particular that I'm not sure how anyone figured out.

I got 22 hours out of this game at 100% achievements. This is a fantastic game and is worth the price tag. But if it's on sale and you like metroidvanias it's a no-brainer.
Posted May 21.
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97.0 hrs on record (77.4 hrs at review time)
This game has mixed reviews, but it's in my library, so I decided to take a crack at it. My main guess why it has mixed reviews. It has enormous map and doesn't tell you where to go. Your every move is ball busted by some skill or feature and you are not directed where to go. Eventually I got the hang of exploring and figured out where to go next. But the game is massive. Which is a good thing, however, with limited ability to fast travel it makes exploration more of a chore than it needs to be. Fast travel becomes easier later on, as you have plenty of resources to buy an unlimited amount of an item that lets you travel.

The controls are tight and feel good. The combat is interesting. Something feels a little off, but it's fine. Most enemies are easy to kill, and bosses can mostly be steamrolled so long as you have a good weapon and know what weapon arts work with your play style. You can mostly avoid mechanics, which is a shame.

The graphics are quite nice. Character models look good. The world building is good, lots of layers and moving parts in the backgrounds. The game can be quite pretty at times. There are a lot of shiny elements.

The game has a ton of content. Map is huge, lots of quests, tons of bosses, and a short campaign (NG+) when you are done that leads you towards the true ending. I did all 10 endings. I definitely got my money's worth out of this game.

Some issues:

1. Items disappear fairly quickly. I fell down and had to go 10 seconds away to get up a ledge and come back, came back, items were gone.

2. It's weird to play a game like this without mantle.

3. Talent tree could be done way better. It's cumbersome to view and figure out which way to go. It was also not clear which upgrades affected katanas.

4. This game busts your balls with fast travel. You can only travel between the major save points. And you have to get a consumable to travel back from anywhere else. I really don't care for it when games do this. Especially metroidvanias. Especially one this big.

5. It's really weird to be unable to dash through enemies. Makes boss fights strange.

6. It's really complicated to know where to go next. Some map makers for major places to go for upgrades would be super helpful. I mean, the map is huge. It's so challenging to know where to go next, and with the ball busting fast travel it's even more complicated. The game sorta tries to lead you in the right direction, but there are so many ways to go at every turn that it's hard to know which is the right one.

7. Quest info is not super helpful as to what to do next. You primarily have to look for map markers, but that doesn't always work, and one time the NPCs marker wasn't there, even though I was able to progress his quest. One quest was bugged and would not complete, though I did do all steps.

Overall, this game is worth playing. I think I left it on overnight at one point, but if I had to guess, I got 50+ hours out of this game at 65% achievements with all 10 endings. At the price tag, it's fair for what you get. But if it's on sale, it's worth picking up if you are looking for a decent metroidvania.
Posted April 20. Last edited May 18.
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2.3 hrs on record
This game is a ton of fun. It has a lot of potential to be developed into something more. And I hope it will eventually.
Posted April 7.
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26.0 hrs on record
This is a really unique metroidvania with dark and sad atmosphere. I was surprised at how hard this game was. I thought it would be another pretty looking dial it in metroidvania, but some of the general areas are challenging and a few of the bosses gave me a run for my money. I think it's cool that the main character doesn't actually do anything except try to not die, the spirits do all the work. Though I guess she is telling the spirits what to do. Either way, I thought it was very unique.

I love a game that has a map that tells you if you've completed rooms. I really don't want to have to manually track everything through screenshots, but I certainly do it. This features is great. I know it takes away from things being secret and such, but I don't care. The downside to the map is there is no way to tell where you are within a room. Sometimes a room seems small on the map but it's quite large. I prefer a grid map so I can know where I am within a room and what I've explored and haven't. Some of the rooms are huge, so not knowing where you are can be quite disorienting, especially when trying to go back and get items you missed. It also makes it hard to find that one area you didn't explore that you need to go to to progress.

At about five hours in I hit a wall and had to check every single unexplored route to figure out where to go. And of course it was the last one I checked. I actually found it really easy to get stuck in this game and be unsure where to go. Some map pins would have been helpful so I could mark off different areas based on what power up I was missing. I ended up having to make my own map.

The game lets you fast travel back your last save point at any time. You can also fast travel between save points almost from the beginning. Some games you have to unlock this, so it's nice to have access immediately.

The graphics are really nice. It's kinda like you are controlling an anime character. Some of the areas really are quite beautiful. The music is good. Accentuates the mood of the areas nicely.

Some issues:

1. There is no invincibility briefly after taking damage. Which means with some enemy attacks you can basically go from full health to dead in one second. Some bosses specifically have moves that will kill you in one shot even if you have all preceding upgrades. I play a lot of metroidvanias, and this was an adjustment.

2. The game seems to be missing sounds in some spots that seem like they need them. And the sounds are okay, but are lacking in quality. Like the way enemies die and the noise it makes is kinda weak.

3. The enemy variety is good, but you do get some reused enemies. Not even reskins, just harder. The combat can get tedious and boring if you are using the same abilities, but if you switch them up to counter enemies in specific areas, you get to use more moves and play in different ways.

4. When I return to a save point, why am I not in the menu. Why do I have to get up and then sit back down? The fast travel selection is also silly. Let me point in a direction to select fast travel points, not select from a menu of them.

It took me 26 hours to 100% this game, both in game and achievements. I think the asking price is fair for the length and what you get. But if it's on a sale and you are need of a new metroidvania, I'd pick it up.
Posted April 6.
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26.6 hrs on record
Played this right after the first game, and was pleased to see that there were three weapons! They can be used interchangeably once they are obtained. This is a nice change from the first game. They also control various mechanics, so depending on which you pick first, you could access different things earlier on. Not that it matters much. And there are almost too many thing to interact with that require upgrades. Rooms are covered with them, so I ended up taking a lot of screenshots for revisiting at a later date. This made traversing the world interesting and exciting. There are a ton of shops to buy things at and NPCs to upgrade so they can upgrade you. And there are so many upgrades to collect. Makes the game super rewarding.

Just like the previous game, the pixel art and animation are top notch. There are also some animated cutscenes that are actual animation and not pixel animation. I did find the pixel cutscenes in the previous game to be really well done and pretty awesome, but these ones are really high quality. The music is reminscent of the first, some songs with the same instrument line up but different tunes. Really quite good and matches the mood of areas really well.

I was glad to see some familiar areas as well. I was beginning to wonder how Cvstodia could be so different, though I guess it's possible as much time has passed.

I know this game wasn't quite as challenging as the first game, and perhaps a bit less mysterious, but the actual level design, unlocks, and mechanics, I found to be much more enjoyable. The previous game had a lot of missable things and it was possible to lock yourself out of the canon ending. Nothing like that happens in this game so you can play without worrying. There is even a vendor who will sell stuff that you did lock yourself out of.

I was glad that there is a slide down ladder mechanic. Not being able to dismount downward in the first game irritated me. I realized a few hours in, by accident, that if you dash on the ladder you fall straight down. Not sure if that's how it was in the first game though.

Some issues:

1. The music would randomly stop playing, and then randomly start playing again.

2. After obtaining an item, menus are not available for about 4 seconds, which is annoying.

3. It was clear how much a prayer cost in the first game. This game doesn't not create lines to indicate the cost. Which can be frustrating trying to use a spell in a boss and not having enough, as you waste time attempting and there is a brief animation.

Overall, this is a fantastic game. I got about 26 hours, 98% in game completion, and 67% achievements. The asking cost is more than fair, but on sale it's a no-brainer.
Posted April 1.
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17.8 hrs on record
This is a surprisingly good zombie shooter.

First, there are a ton of weapons. Swords, knives, screwdrivers, automatic rifles, bolt rifles, double barreled shotguns, pump shotguns, lever rifles, bows. I wasn't even able to use them all there were so many.

The gun play is really good. It only gets a little wonky sometimes when you are trying to do a lot of things with zombies in close quarters. Stabbing a zombie in the head with a screwdriver and pulling it out feels legit. Loading a shotgun or a six shooter is satisfying. Releasing a clip, catching it mid air, putting it in my stock, and grabbing a new one to keep my bullets topped off felt nice.

There is an actual story and it's pretty cool. There are two factions and you can interact with them how you please. I ended up going against everyone because I thought they were both ♥♥♥♥♥♥, so by the end everyone wanted to kill me.

The DLC adds some nice content at the end that is a little repetitive, but there is more story that ends in what I would say is a teaser for more DLC, but this game is four years old so I'd say there is no more coming.

There is also a wave mode that I played a little, but I was kind of done with the game at that point and my backlog needs tending to, so I didn't bother with it. I got 47% achievements in 17.8 hours. I got maybe two missions in and got sidetracked, came back later and restarted, so I'd say the game is probably around 15 hours long. That's a long time for a VR title that isn't a port. So I'm impressed. Price tag is steep, but again, it's a long VR title. It's probably worth it at the asking price, but I'd recommend waiting for a sale and pick it up.
Posted March 26.
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8.5 hrs on record
This is another good episode in this installment. Less linear than the previous game, but only in layout. You pretty much have to do everything in order, and it's pretty clear what you need to do next. The puzzles are harder than the previous installment, but easier than the Bunker Scenario. There were a few that challenged me, and I did need a few hints.

Some concerns:

The game really needs an inventory system.

And a way to sprint.

There were too many puzzles of the type where when you move one thing other things move and you have to figure out how to move everything into the correct position while it impacts other pieces. I really don't like these types of puzzles. I just find them uninspired and exhausting.

Overall, a great game. I got about eight hours at 75% achievements. The asking price is quite fair, but if it's on sale it's definitely worth it.
Posted March 26.
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5.4 hrs on record
Having played previous title by the devs, I knew what to expect. This game has some slightly different mechanics, but is basically very similar. The challenge felt reduced compared to previous titles, which in some ways was refreshing. Desperately needs an inventory system. Backtracking with several objects needed for puzzles is annoying.

Got through the game in about 5 hours with 61% achievements. Only used one hint because I could not find an item that was hidden quite well. There are a lot of items hidden quite well actually. The puzzles themselves are fairly straightforward, but some of them can be quite challenging. Overall, a fun game. Price is fair for what you get, but if it's on sale, definitely worth picking up.
Posted March 24. Last edited March 24.
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