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Análises recentes de KarteiLeiche

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37.1 horas registradas
got stuck in a ventilation shaft as a rat
watched a whale to be butchered
steamed a nobel and a ♥♥♥♥♥

and still could not safe the princess

so I played again
just to hear the end sequence again
Publicada em 16 de fevereiro de 2015.
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60.6 horas registradas (58.0 horas no momento da análise)

A beautiful game with the combat system introduced by the Batman Arkham games. While the game lacks in story it makes up in power fantasies of slaying countless orcs and your very own nemisis generated by the game.

I played through the game twice.

It introduces two different worlds, which are set in a wasteland similar to what you would imagine Mordor to be and a beautiful coastal area inhabitated by several creatures and many orcs.

The graphics look stunning throughout the game.

While the game entertains a story set inbetween the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it is rather on the weak side and failed to intrest my in the development of my own as well as other characters. There could have been more potential due to the rich background offered by this fantasy universum.

The gameplay on the other hand is a mixture of any Ubisoft open world game released recently and the Batman Arkham games by Steady games.
You get to explore two vast areas spicked with towers which unlock fast travel and sidequest (sound familiar anyone?) and then fight orcs with a well-made copy of the combat styl in the Batman games.
The orcs are made up of the grunts and officers. These officers recruit themselves from the lower ranks and are an RNG element in the game. When ever you die at the hands of an orc, he gets to challenge an officer and if successful he will be an officer from now on. The means a changing apperance, added attributes with an unique mixture of strenghts and fears as well as the chance for loot if you manage to kill them.
You can follow these officers during their advances within the enemy army, create, sabotage or assist in power struggles and later even command these officers, building your own army within their army.

For me this is one of the best features within the game though it fully reveals late, too late, in the game.

My biggest critic is the difficulty settings in the game
While already in the early game you can slay through a handful of orcs at once the numbers get ridiculous late game when you with ease kill complete fortresses including several low to mid ranking officers. Even the boss fights are not much off a challenge. I was missing any chance to adapt the difficulty to a level that would work for me, so I played it twice.
On the first run I was eager to explore and do all the sidequest. Leveled up faster then the game unlocked further abilites so I easily overpowered most enemies with ease.
The second time I rushed through it to see if it was more of a challenge. Saddly it wasn't.

While the game offers to continue the game after the final boss, I was lacking any motivation to do so since I already had all achievements and the officer did not scale with the later game. If you killed a highranking officer the next one would only be low to mid ranking in level and strength and it will take time for him to acutally grow into an opponent.

I also missed the challenges I am used from the batman games, as they are priced out as DLC and I do not undestand why such a small feature would be worth a DLC rather then implemented directly since this is a fullprice game.

I would recommend as the game is fun to play but I could not find any longtime motivation to play this game.
Publicada em 16 de fevereiro de 2015.
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238.9 horas registradas (202.9 horas no momento da análise)
When I come home after a long and stressful day, I like to start up Dark Souls: Prepare To Die and relax while slaying a few hallows in the undead parish.

Died on my first try several ties to the third boss. Later on I found about 10 of these mobs in the game. Ganked them all.

So relaxing
Publicada em 16 de fevereiro de 2015.
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9 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
31.3 horas registradas (16.5 horas no momento da análise)
It is a nice fp slaughter game in a medivial setting, which offers fun rounds fighting opponents with a great weapon choice.
Most weapons are locked from the beginning and they can be unlocked by killing opponents with a weapon of that kind.
While that is a great and tried method in most multiplayer games by now to motivative for a longer time involvement it is the greatest flaw for this game, because it is bugged.
Each round the kills reset and the progress is lost.

I will not play this game until the dev's fix this bug for good.
Publicada em 29 de novembro de 2013.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
10.3 horas registradas
The game isn't much more than a remake of the original Airline Tycoon with refreshed graphics.

Therefore it inherits the overburdening micromangament within the mid- and late gameor To personal management is locked behind an repeating dialogue. Further it offers no way to track more than one file at the time.

Stunningly they managed to increase the loading time with this game, even though it was simply a remake with improved graphics.

I don't recommend to buy this game.
Publicada em 29 de novembro de 2013. Última edição em 15 de outubro de 2016.
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14.9 horas registradas (13.6 horas no momento da análise)
Überraschend guter Shooter, lohnt sich für den Preis absolut.
Publicada em 6 de junho de 2013. Última edição em 29 de novembro de 2013.
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