Ben Bryant   Seattle, Washington, United States
My Portal Projects:
Portal Pro

Twitch Live Streams []
Kirjautunut ulos
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 2 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 8.5.
yhteensä 4,9 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 7.5.
yhteensä 77 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 6.5.
3.14ey 6.5. klo 15.20 
who voice acted in Rexaura?
Crashosaurus 25.3. klo 9.15 
Rexaura is amazing! I'll try out yer Portal 2 maps soon.
Armaky 21.3. klo 5.46 
Hi man.. u have trade offer :iwanttobelieve:
CozElli 6.3. klo 21.26 
Deal 15.2. klo 18.25 
Awesome maps, dude!
Nox Deleo 15.2. klo 5.14 
Finally I've finished all your Portal 2 chambers! I resisted the urge to look for hints, and boy was it worth it! I had most of them beat a while back, but the most recent 5 had me stumped for a long time. Something must've clicked yesterday for 4 to fall, and the final one today. Anyway, thanks so much for making them. I can't help but (selfishly) hope you get an itch to make more some day.