SHUVEL   United States
Přehlídka nejvzácnějších achievementů
Přehlídka snímků
Entropia Universe
4 2
Nedávná aktivita
1 043 hodin celkem
Právě je ve hře
2 769 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 20. zář.
3 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 21. srp.
Lieutenant Commander Data 4. pro. 2021 v 0.55 
____****__________**** ___
___***____***____***__ *** ____
_***______SORRY FOR______***_
Robot Devil 28. zář. 2021 v 12.07 
Doesn't actually have a shuvel. -rep
Robot Devil 11. srp. 2021 v 17.56 
Likes to beg for feet pics constantly on chat or he will ddos me. -- Rep
Gunnarr 31. pro. 2019 v 12.04 
Happy New Year, my friend! :steamhappy:
Lieutenant Commander Data 23. srp. 2019 v 17.12 
whyte ppl i hate u cuz
1. u all racist
2. u pale as hell
3. u ♥♥♥♥in stupid
4. u stereotype ♥♥♥♥♥s cuz u all dumb
5. ur fat
6. u look like marshmallows
7. u look like gluesticks
8. u close minded
9. u jus straight up ♥♥♥♥♥
10. u make me sick
11. u all like fishin for sum reason
12. u all have dogs
13. u think u a good race when u ain't even human
14.u look ugly as hell
15.u a disgrace
16. u think u know bout ♥♥♥♥♥s so much when u don't
17. u all got ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ voices
18. u speak like British ppl
19. u all gay
20. u have no place in hiphop so u shud stop listenin to it
Walter 7. čvc. 2019 v 4.39 
Has an extremely toxic following on Twitter.