John Kloock   New Hampshire, United States
Avid butcher, avid gamer. A man of contradictions and peculiar tastes. Friendly at times, bristly at others. Feel free to add me and chat, but don't expect me to take kindly to beggary.

What I look for in gaming? It depends on the game, for the most part my primary concern is for story. However gameplay matters much as well. I might forgive a dearth of gameplay with a really engaging narrative and I will do the same for narrative with a really addictive gameplay. However each type of game has a certain focal need and falling short on its needs will disabuse me of interest quickly.

I have been gaming most of my life, but my interests don't begin and end with my geekdom. Feel free to broach any topic. I'm always up for finding a new outlook or interest.
Понастоящем извън линия
Изложение на снимки
Project Zomboid
2 1
Изложение на рецензиите
Изиграни 5,1 ч.
Avernum is the redesign of the original Exile series by Spiderweb Software. It is an amazing game with rich story resulting in countless hours of gameplay. The system is built around old classics like Baldur's Gate, it offers a strategic element to play which varies widely by what you choose. The hard stats and skills have been redesigned from the original series to offer new stat trees to the gameplay allowing for character customization. Overall I recommend this game to any old school RPG fans.
Изложение на най-редките постижения
Любима група
Myth-weavers (Online PbP gaming community) - Публична група
В игра
На линия
В чата
Скорошна дейност
4,6 изиграни часа
последно пускане 31 март
10,8 изиграни часа
последно пускане 3 март
171 изиграни часа
последно пускане 26 апр. 2022
A4 26 дек. 2018 в 19:47 
……………… …*•○♥○•*…
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(☆*✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & A ℋappy 2019✦✦ *☆ )
ﮎhλdøῳ 3 февр. 2018 в 18:54 
+rep A very generous fellow who gifted me a game from the humble bundle, thank you kind sir!
KillBossa 20 ноем. 2015 в 11:25 
Epeen longer than the amazon...
||| ChainFire ||| 5 юли 2014 в 14:59 
You have a very impressive steam profile. Also, i agree with ur Bio about gaming
Scrambles The Death Dealer 23 февр. 2014 в 15:27 
♥♥♥♥ your steam level
Vampluva<3 5 ноем. 2012 в 15:19 
Sent you an email <3