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987 h registradas
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618 h registradas
última sesión: 13 MAY
Karin 19 ENE 2022 a las 17:26 
Giddy 11 DIC 2021 a las 11:38 
Would you mind adding me? I have a quick question / request
Karin 2 ABR 2021 a las 11:17 
It always builds to something like that, even since I purged a bunch of people during one of my anti-fighting game fits. :hikarishock:
Junna 1 SEP 2020 a las 23:40 
하율 31 AGO 2020 a las 22:09 
mthibau 5 AGO 2020 a las 10:28 
Ok Junna, if you can make some Kwangbok or Mirae Scientist apartment blocks i could use those. Or a moddel for the Kumsun Palace or Ice Rink i would mod those two. Best wishes dear friend!