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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Xanthun

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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 78 pozycji
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21.7 godz. łącznie (21.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Pretty fun singleplayer fps. The gameplay is simple but feels great.
Opublikowana: 5 lipca 2017.
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Nikt jeszcze nie uznał tej recenzji jako przydatnej
22.7 godz. łącznie (17.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Took me a while to get a handle for the combat but once I got into it I had a lot of fun. You're probably going to want to play with a controller.
Opublikowana: 3 lipca 2017.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
138.9 godz. łącznie (122.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Dark Souls 2 is a great sequel to one of my favorite games. First of all, I highly recommend that you play the original Dark Souls before playing this one. There is really no reason to play 2 before 1.

So assuming that you have played the first one, 2 improves upon some things but also makes some big mistakes.

Combat is for the most part the same. There are slight changes to rolling when locked on, iFrames, and there is also a new move called shield break. The main difference with combat is the edition of power stancing. Power stancing makes dual-wielding more effective by being able to attack with both weapons (if they have the same attack type) when you have 150% of the required stats. Personally I wasn't a huge fan of this change just because I feel that it made rolling essential even earlier than rolling became essential in Dark Souls 1. Nonetheless, I still had fun dual wielding katanas. I just sort of missed having a shield.

One thing I loved about Dark Souls was the non-linear world. Dark Souls 2 has a beautiful but unconnected world. 2 gives you the ability to teleport to every single bonfire you light from the beginning of the game! In 1 all of the areas connect with shortcuts back to the hub area. I still remember the first time I went down the elevator from the church back to firelink. Dark Souls 2 has none of this, the ability to travel to all bonfires removes the purpose of short cuts back to the hub. Because of this crucial mistake, the world of Dark Souls feels very linear and unconnected. This was my main issue with the game. It's not a deal breaker but it is just a bit of a shame.

Other than that there are a just a few minor changes such as losing health everytime you die. That one isn't much of an issue just because the items to reverse it are plentiful and the ring of binding helps a lot if you know you are going to die a lot. Also I just want to add that the DLC included in SOTFS is phenomenal.

Overall I loved this game and highly recommend it if you enjoyed the first. For the most part it is just more of the same amazing DS gameplay.
Opublikowana: 30 września 2016.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
14.1 godz. łącznie
It's not the best, but it's an enjoyable game for fans that want to experience Game of Thrones just a bit more first hand.

Just like the show, many decisions need to be made and they don't necessarily have positive outcomes whichever path you take. You might have to choose either make X person like you but Y person will not like you or vice versa. Also like the show, this game is not afraid to kill some major characters.

Your choices don't really effect much for the majority of the game. The only major things that occur due to your choices happen towards the end of the game. Also this game is not self-contained at all. The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger for season 2. Lastly, keep in mind that you will need to watch up until ~Season 5 if you want to avoid some show spoilers.

Overall I would recommend fans of the show pick it up on sale if you want a decent Game of Thrones story just keep in mind that choices don't effect much and certain plotpoints are inevitable.
Opublikowana: 3 sierpnia 2016.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
145.7 godz. łącznie (139.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Dark Souls has quickly become one of my favorite games.

The combat is the best combat in any third person game I have ever played. The game doesn't hold your hand but It also isn't as hard as you might think. Once you get used to the combat/rolling and enemy's attack patterns it isn't THAT difficult. Also whenever you are stuck on a boss and you finally beat it, it is an awesome feeling!

Keep in mind that you will need to download a mod to fix the port and you also might want to have a controller to play with. Overall this is a really great game and I highly recommend you pick it up on sale and give it a shot!
Opublikowana: 24 lipca 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 9 sierpnia 2016.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.9 godz. łącznie
I originally played this game when it was in Ludum Dare 30 almost two years ago.

It's a pretty neat point & click game with great art and music.

Episode 1 is free so might as well give it a shot!
Opublikowana: 8 lipca 2016.
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Według 9 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
29.0 godz. łącznie (24.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
If you can look past a few major cons you will find a decent game for passing time.

This game is extremely repetitive and fairly grindy.

But despite those major flaws, Holy Potatoes is still a fun game. Personally I've enjoyed playing it while watching netflix or something. It has a lot of downtime and doesn't take any concentration so it's the perfect game to play while binging your favorite series.

Just keep in mind before buying, this game is repetitive and if you cannot look past that then maybe Holy Potatoes just isn't the game for you.
Opublikowana: 4 lipca 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 4 lipca 2016.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
20.6 godz. łącznie (19.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I really enjoyed English Country Tune and can highly recommend it if you like challenging puzzle games.

I got it in a bundle ages ago but put off playing it because the name is weird. Now that I've played it I can confirm that it is enjoyable and very difficult. Throughout the game it introduces new mechanics and combines them to make interesting, unique, and challenging puzzles.
Opublikowana: 19 czerwca 2016.
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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
2.6 godz. łącznie
This is a really great free game in the Half-Life universe. You do some puzzles and fight a bunch of enemies. Even if you don't know anything about half life this is still fun. Also all of the achievements are fairly easy and fun to get.
Opublikowana: 19 czerwca 2016.
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Według 8 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.6 godz. łącznie
Sure the gameplay and performance/optimization is bad but it's free. I like the soundtrack and hawaiian theme. It is also an easy 100%. Might as well give it a shot, its very short and free so there isn't much to lose.
Opublikowana: 9 czerwca 2016.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 78 pozycji