Charley   Leeds, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Fairly casual gamer- I enjoy puzzle games, RPGs, and visual novels amongst other things.

I am also a massive nerd.

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57 ratings
Created by - WingedAsarath
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I have played this game on both the Nintendo Switch, and on PC since the free trial was available on the Switch. I can 100% say I absolutely adore this game. It really scratches the itch that Pokémon has failed to satisfy in recent years. The story, while nothing too special, is still solid, and I've thoroughly got my money's worth out of the game, even buying it twice. I would definitely recommend, although like any game there are some cons, which I've outlined below:


* Large range of monsters available for riding, and within the game in general.
* The boss at the end of the main story is absolutely gorgeous.
* Riding around on your monsters (and later flying around) is really fun.
* Some of the Kinship Skill animations for some of the monsters are hilarious and amazing.
* Once you reach a certain location in the game, you can purchase a layered armour version of any armour you have with you you've forged for only 700 each. Way better than having to gather parts to craft layered armours like in the mainline Monster Hunter games.
* A good selection of monsters, with plenty of monsters returning who weren't in World or Rise.
* The step up from normal rank in the main story to high rank in the post-game isn't too jarring and doesn't leave you struggling to gear up or grind.
* The game doesn't stop you from running away from a battle, except if you are attacked while taking an egg from a nest, in multiplayer dens, or in main story fights. The only penalty for running away is you don't get any monster parts or rewards you would have obtained.
* The Switch version has a lot of framerate problems, but the game runs smoothly on PC.
* The Right of Channeling system to boost/change/add to your monsties' abilities by moving in genes from other eggs you've hatched is a fantastic, flexible, and highly customisable system.
* Multiplayer is smooth and easy to use.
* Voice acting, even in English, matches the lip sync.
* The areas in the game are fun to explore and for the most part well-designed.
* While your character doesn't speak, they do have some semblance of a personality and character development arc.


* Tetsucabra is in this game, but you can't ride it or hatch one.
* In fact, there are quite a few monsters that are in this game, but you can't ride, which is quite sad.
* Sometimes the AI for your monstie and NPCs fighting with you can be downright idiotic and get both themselves and yourself killed.
* You can't run away from a battle in multiplayer, even if nobody else joined you.
* You have to have a specific monster in your party for all of the main story (except for certain sections, when you have a forced empty party slot instead). While the story reasons for it are understandable, it does limit the selection of monsties you can bring along if you want a balanced party.
* There are some small graphical bugs at times.
* Navirou.
* You have to wait for an NPC to finish their animation and turn back around before you can talk to them again.
*You can't skip Kinship Skill animations in multiplayer, even if every player wants to. Animation speed is also fixed for multiplayer at 1x speed while selecting actions, and 2x speed for battle animations once everyone is locked in. This means if you get a double Kinship Skill activation with a friend, you can't properly enjoy it because it's forced into 2x speed.
* Dens & dungeons can get a little repetitive as you end up with the same pool of sections grouped together in different combinations to auto-generate them, which can lead to jump/climbing/dig points that don't lead to anything.
Favorite Guide
Created by - WingedAsarath
Quick walkthrough of the short game Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star! Covers main episodes, side stories and achievements, based on my own playthrough experience. Following this guide and reading all the content in the game should give you 100% completion!
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