Unavoidably Unsafe - AKA Safe an
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Welcome Haters
Your boos are meaningless to me. I've seen what you cheer...

They call themselves liberals, then want to control everything you do, say and eat.
Seltenste Errungenschaften
Xypher 17. Jan. 2021 um 16:15 
35 perfect games you say :bloodstain2:
ItsValeriaGaming 4. Jan. 2021 um 19:32 
Slobek still buying! 2. Dez. 2020 um 15:18 
+Rep cool man.
Unavoidably Unsafe - AKA Safe an 26. Feb. 2019 um 18:53 
Irritable Bowel Machines : have fun. I'll join a few hours after he tries to kick half of you then rage quits.
Tram 2. Feb. 2019 um 13:48 
+rep good leader in TF2 MvM
Manimal 20. Dez. 2018 um 19:21 
2012. Yeah xbox is more convenient than steam. Which is odd because I have a more poweful box now.