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Senaste recensioner av Strategiczny Vozka

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1.8 timmar totalt (1.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Kind of fun and charming at first, but around early midgame it turns into a grindfest where watching numbers grow is the only motivation to keep playing.
All of the game systems are very simplistic (largely an engine limitation), with one of the few exceptions being boss enemies, which require you to spend hundreds of hours to level up enough and get good enough equipment before you can fight them. The positive is that there is a ton of content, however about 90% is so simple that you can easily do it absent-mindedly while watching a tv show, which apparently many people do.
The game does require you to learn things about it or just play it with wiki open in order to play efficiently. However other than memorizing things, you do not get better at the game by becoming more skilled, as apart from bossing skill is not required. You merely spend time in order to raise skill levels of your character, player skill matters very little. This would probably be fun if the grind was about 5x faster.
If your real life is so terrible that you want to turn into a zombie and are too depressed, anxious or stupid to play an engaging game, Runescape is a good choice because it's rather extensive and yet, apart from decisions about what to do next, so simple you could probably train a monkey to play it.
Do not play it outside of Steam and do turn on 2-factor authentication. The game's security system is so bad that passwords are not case sensitive and support will not help you.
Upplagd 25 mars 2023. Senast ändrad 25 mars 2023.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
29.0 timmar totalt
It wasn't that great to begin with and playing it now isn't really worth it imo. Wandering the wasteland is fun for some hours, but the whole game is, with a few exceptions, ultimately very shallow and not very satisfying.
Upplagd 22 april 2022.
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5.2 timmar totalt (4.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Warning: Try the demo first! This game has bad performance almost regardless of your hardware due to the 3rd party engine that it uses.

There are also some bugs here and there.

Otherwise though it's brilliant. A boomer shooter focusing on melee and close range combat in a fantasy setting with character. The best thing about is that it really feels like some abandoned shareware title from the late 90s, including some of the awe that we felt back when new games were rare. And also including a lot of the jank.

It's pretty tough and interesting and in the context of retro shooters it looks good too. I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Upplagd 10 mars 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
15.4 timmar totalt (6.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
My favorite boomer shooter. A good game with excellent specifically Czech setting and atmosphere.
Upplagd 25 november 2021.
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4.5 timmar totalt
One of the audiovisually best games I've seen and played. While it's not really a walking simulator and some parts are rather difficult jumping puzzles, there's a lot of walking and the main point of the game is exploration, so if you don't like the kind of dystopian scifi architecture that the game presents, you'll likely be bored. If you do enjoy it or like the Blame! manga, this game is absolutely amazing.
Upplagd 2 januari 2021.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.7 timmar totalt (2.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I've played many more hours than Steam says, having bought it in beta.

It's one of my favourite platformers ever. Together with spelunky, this was a procedurally generated platformer with roguelike elements before it was cool (it's been in development for that long).

Don't expect Spelunky though. Towerclimb is slower, grittier and even more difficult. You have to be even more careful and it's more about evasion than killing stuff. It's fun cause it's difficult and you die a lot. There are several general level themes in the first part of the game (standard caves, jungle, lava caverns...) and special levels (rising lava, water levels, levels where you fly on giant flying plant ballons and more/weirder). And once you finish that, which will take closer to tens of hours, there's chapter two that has more specific (some could say gimmicky, imo a good thing in a game like this) and even more difficult levels, where the gameplay is a bit different.

The graphics was pixel art before it was cool. It's pretty nice and features some cool shader effects, but I understand people who have enough of that. Also the music is excellent.

Towerclimb has local coop and it is even more fun (and a bit easier, since, unlike spelunky, it's not that easy to harm each other. The biggest problem is that setting up controllers is a pain in the ass.

This definitely belongs among the best roguelite platformers and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys the genre. If current price seems like too much, at least put it in your wishlist until it goes lower, cause it's worth it.
Upplagd 25 december 2015. Senast ändrad 25 december 2015.
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23.1 timmar totalt
The game mechanics are great. The fighting system feels really good and meaty and takes quite a bit of time to master, the objective maps are great, the overall concept is good. Also the voice acting is so much fun.

Unfortunately, the devs are either bad at the technical side of game-development or don't care. CMW has been very buggy since the beginning and not much has changed. Some bugs and weird gameplay-glitches were fixed, the rage-inducing server-browser was finally replaced (kinda, don't expect Source Engine or anything of the sort), but it's not enough for me to keep playing - mainly because the performance is just as horrible as after release. Do not expect it to run well on your PC just because it uses UE4.

I'm not mad about the paid DLC, the base game still gets content updates, but content updates are in my opinion not what it needs.
Upplagd 28 september 2014. Senast ändrad 28 september 2014.
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