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Recenzii recente de trzsolt

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324.7 ore înregistrate (233.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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No game in the last couple of years has tied me down as much as Against the Storm. It combines the peaceful building atmosphere of the city builder genre with the tension of the roguelite genre.

The game somehow manages to make me enjoy every moment of city-building, yet not yearn to keep going forever, but to finish it as soon as possible.

This feeling is also driven by the fact that you can't follow the same strategy in every game. And if I've jumped the challenges of the forest when building a village, I look forward to what challenge awaits me in the next forest, what my options will be, what I can make of the situation.

If at first you think the Queen's impatience will be your biggest problem, know that you are wrong. The forest is far more cruel.
Postat 21 noiembrie 2023.
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19.1 ore înregistrate (18.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
It was overwhelming. This game is definitely in my top5 now.
Postat 5 noiembrie 2017.
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96.5 ore înregistrate (46.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This is the first souls game I ever played. I'm not into these kind of games, I rather prefer strategy games. I don't really like dark fantasy. I hate when a game is too difficult. I'm not a pro gamer. I never played a game with controller before.

Dispite all this, somehow this game got me. I don't know why, I don't know how. Yes, I used Alt + F4 multiple times during my playthrough. Anyway, looking back on this game, I enjoyed every minute of this ~40 hour. Even when I was raging, when I went to sleep telling myself, I'll uninstall this game tomorrow morning, becouse I play for fun, not for the lust of anger, not for freaking out.

I don't think I'll try another soulslike game, but I'll definitely play this game again with a different build soon. :)

Postat 8 septembrie 2017.
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2,463.5 ore înregistrate (104.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I just hit 100 hours on record. I really like this game. There are one big downside for me: the game doesn't support more than 8 players, but there is the option, to play with more than 8 players. Why? :D We tried to play it with 10 players, and it was horrible.

The other problem with the game, that since it's a slow game, I really like to plan my strategies. But with the game mode which most player plays, everybody acts at the same time. There is no problem with that, as long as you are not in combat. Becouse there cames the RTS elements of the game. Who has the faster computer, and has the better reflexes, wins the battle... -.-

But anyway, if you play full turn based, it's very cool. We play it with Giant Multiplayer Robot. It's an application, which is changed everything for me about this game. No more stress, no more who-click-faster-wins-the-skirmish. You can think about your strategies during travel to work, and you can't get tired of it, becouse you play only 5 minutes at a time.

If you like strategy games, give it a try!
Postat 31 mai 2016.
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