toast ºαQº
Vatican City State (Holy See)
suwa 2026
-34 (After Egypt)
-♥♥♥♥♥ Love
when it goes downhill
Thank you, Ted. Now, picture this. Sun shining, a blue sky, a perfect day. It was all downhill from there.
What a dump.
Hey, Aunt Grizelda!
Hey, Chet, check this out! Go long!
No, Brett, that’s actually not a… Okay.
Go long! Go long!
I got it! I got it!
Got it!
He totally ran into that tree!
Oncie, is that you?
There he is! There’s my big, suddenly successful son! We always knew you would make it, Oncie. Right?
Hey! I love this guy!
But you always said I wouldn’t amount to anything, remember? Hush your mouth. I was just trying to motivate you!
I am really glad that you clarified that because it actually hurt my feelings for a really long time. Anyway, you’re all here, you all work for me, and that’s cool. So, let’s get to work.
Brett, Chet, set up the RV! Would you stop throwing that bear?
Time out. Back up. Stop. Don’t move an inch. Nobody’s moving in here. You got to go. Goodbye.
So, who invited the giant, furry peanut?
You calling me a peanut, huh? I’ll go right up your nose!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You wouldn’t hit a woman.
That’s a woman?
Okay. Everyone, cool it. Let’s not get off on the wrong foot here. Um, family, this is my friend…
Yeah, acquaintance. Very good acquaintance, the Lorax. He speaks for the trees.
That’s right. And on behalf of the trees, get out!
Will you just be nice! This is my family. And I’m going to need their help if my company is going to get bigger. Okay?
Yeah, this isn’t some rinky-dink operation anymore. I got plans. Big plans! A vision of a world filled with Thneeds. It’s going to be huge!
Which way does a tree fall?
Uh, down?
A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean.
* * *
I mean, look at this. It’s amazing. I am so proud of me.
Oncie, we’ve got us a little problem.
Mmm-hmm. See, we’re not making Thneeds fast enough.
Harvesting the tufts takes too long!
Well, what else can we do?
Well, and this just came to me, we could always start chopping down the trees.
Now you’re thinking. That would speed things up!
No “but” s, Oncie. You’re running a business now. You have to do what’s best for the company, and your momma.
Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt to chop down a few trees.
You’ve made me so proud, Oncie. Come here!
Hey! I love this guy!
No! No, no, no! Stop it! Please, stop.
Take that, you stupid tree!
Where do you think you’re going?
Excuse me, sir. I need to talk with your boss.
Oh, I’m sorry, but Mr. Once-ler’s not seeing anyone right now.
Yeah, well, he’ll see me. So… Hey, keep your paws off me!
Give me a reason, Shorty.
Hey, you broke your promise. You’re better than this. You gotta stop! This is bad!
Have a nice day!
Bad? I’m not bad, I’m the good guy here. He just doesn’t get it. Do you think I’m bad? Thank you! I mean, something good finally happens to me, and he just has to come along and rain on my parade. What’s his problem? See? Yeah, bad! Right.
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ I’m just doin’ ♪
♪ what comes naturally ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ I’m just following my destiny ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ I’m just doin’ ♪
♪ what comes naturally ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ How bad can I possibly be? ♪
♪ Well, there’s ♪
♪ a principle in nature ♪
♪ Principle in nature ♪
♪ That almost ♪
♪ every creature knows ♪
♪ Called survival of the fittest ♪
♪ Survival of the fittest ♪
♪ And check it, ♪
♪ this is how it goes ♪
♪ The animal that wins ♪
♪ gotta scratch and fight ♪
♪ And claw and bite and punch ♪
♪ And the animal that doesn’t ♪
♪ Well, the animal that doesn’t ♪
♪ Winds up someone else’s ♪
♪ La-la-la-la lunch ♪
♪ Munch, munch, munch, munch, ♪
♪ munch I’m just sayin’ ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ I’m just doin’ ♪
♪ what comes naturally ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ I’m just following my destiny ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ I’m just doin’ ♪
♪ what comes naturally ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ How bad can I possibly be? ♪
♪ There’s a principle in business ♪
♪ Principle in business ♪
♪ That everybody knows is sound ♪
♪ It says the people with the ♪
♪ money People with the money ♪
♪ Make this ♪
♪ ever-loving world go round ♪
♪ So I’m biggering my company ♪
♪ I’m biggering my factory ♪
♪ I’m biggering my corporate sign ♪
♪ Bigger, bigger! ♪
♪ Everybody out there ♪
♪ You take care of yours ♪
♪ I’ll take care of ♪
♪ mine-mine-mine-mine-mine ♪
♪ Shake that bottom line ♪
♪ Let me hear you ♪
♪ say Smogulous Smoke! ♪
♪ Smogulous Smoke! ♪
♪ Schloppity-Schlopp! ♪
♪ Complain all you want It’s never, ♪
♪ ever, ever, ever gonna stop ♪
♪ Stop! ♪
♪ Come on, ♪
♪ how bad can I possibly be? ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ I’m just building the economy ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ Just look at me ♪
♪ petting this puppy ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ A portion of proceeds ♪
♪ goes to charity ♪
♪ How bad can I be? ♪
♪ How bad could I possibly be? ♪
♪ Let’s see! ♪
♪ All the customers are buying ♪
♪ And the money’s multiplying ♪
♪ And the PR people are lying ♪
♪ And the lawyers are denying ♪
♪ Who cares if ♪
♪ a few trees are dying? ♪
♪ This is all so gratifying! ♪
♪ How bad?
♪ How bad can this possibly be? ♪
So, how are things?
What are you doing here?
Happy yet? You fill that hole deep down inside you? Or do you still need more?
Look, if you’ve got a problem with what I’m doing, why haven’t you used your quote-unquote powers to stop me?
I told you, that’s not how it works.
Right, I forgot. You’re a fraud. I need you to get out. Now!
Why? Do I make you uncomfortable? Remind you of the promises you made? The man you used to be?
You know what? You can just shut your mustache. My conscience is clear. I have done nothing illegal. I have my rights, and I intend to keep on biggering and biggering, and turning more Truffula trees into Thneeds. And nothing is going to stop me!
Well, that’s it. The very last one. That may stop you.
Somebody sure made a bundle on that thing. I wonder what the next million dollar invention’s going to be.
Yeah, I wonder…
Son, you have let me down. Brett, you are now my favorite child.
Hey, look, I don’t want any trouble.
And you won’t get any. Not from them. Thanks to you and your hacking, and smogging and glupping, they can’t live here anymore. So, I’m sending them off. Hopefully, they’ll be able to find a better place out there somewhere.
Melvin? Melvin… Hey, Pipsqueak… Hey…
So, this is really all your fault. You destroyed everything.
Yes. And each day since the Lorax left, I’ve sat here regretting everything I’ve done, staring at that word, “unless,” and wondering what it meant. But now I’m thinking… Well, maybe you’re the reason the Lorax left that word there.
Me? Why would he leave that for me?
Because unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
The last Truffula seed. You need to plant it, Ted.
Yeah, but, nobody cares about trees anymore.
Then make them care. Plant the seed in the middle of town, where everyone can see. Change the way things are. I know it may seem small and insignificant, but it’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become. That’s not just a seed, any more than you’re just a boy.
I won’t let you down.
I know.
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