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Recente recensies door Lumi

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606.9 uur in totaal (538.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The gameplay is extremely fun. The biggest downsides are the crafting system honestly sucks, and the game is in dire need of fresh content, especially weapons. Fair warning there is a Gacha Game vibe to Darktide but most of it can be ignored (A lot of cool stuff can be unlocked through playtime and challenges). The greatest thing this game will ask of you is your time.
Geplaatst 12 mei.
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135.0 uur in totaal (24.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)

1. Despite the SONY thing, countries that can't make PSN accounts still can't purchase this game. So basically all the ruckus was for nothing.

2. Extremely toxic community of players dog-piling the developers and managers and sending death threats to them. Perhaps not a majority, but a lot of nasty people came out of the woodwork to the point it was a huge problem.

3. Weapon balancing so atrocious the CEO had to get involved.

Geplaatst 2 maart. Laatst gewijzigd 12 mei.
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5 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
5.8 uur in totaal (5.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I'm a diver IRL. I was really hoping this game would get it right, but it's just not fun to play at the moment. The visuals are stunning. I love how everything ebbs and flows with the undercurrent. The fish move in such cool and realistic ways, although they are much too slow; but this is a game and is to be expected. The problem lies in the difficulty curve at the end, with a combination of unpolished mechanics which crescendo at the end to make the game such a slog to get through.

All the weapons feel the same and the damage values don't really make sense. You'll blast a shark in the head with the 'sniper' speargun, and they won't die. Mako sharks are the worst culprit for this. Your best method for dispatching sharks? The shotgun, the LAST weapon I bought because I would have assumed a fricking sniper would trump the shotgun in a game where you want to kill the fish as fast as possible at a distance. The default speargun you might as well remove it from the game because it's useless.

The fish are meant to react to your shots when hit, but this mechanic is unreliable resulting in unfair deaths. You'll shoot a shark in a pinch with your last bolt, switch to another speargun, and that shark will still bite you because it wasn't stunned by the shot. Horrible design. Needs work.

I was fine with the annoying mechanics at first, but by the end of the game, the shark spawns are relentless, you have no time to do anything. You have to kill them before you can grab the loot and leave. Not just the loot, but other chests to refill your health and ammo, and health is not a guarantee in equipment chests. What a joke. So you're finning as fast as you can to a chest HOPING there'll be health in there, you're at 1 hit, no health in the box. The runs over at that point, because every shark in the ocean wants you dead, and they'll get you. This also counts for filling your air. Yes, air. They left a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BCD, first and second stages, and tank at the bottom of the ocean for you, how nice. But if you're too busy getting eaten alive, you can't always reliably get the air. It sucks. There's always something to be distracted and killed by. Not to mention the game will just spawn fish like 5 feet away from you.

Yeah, game is fun? To an extent. Shooting the sharks is alright, pretty cool and fun, but by the time the game makes you take it seriously, it just becomes frustrating. So I can't recommend it at the moment to a wider audience that doesn't consist of fish killers or divers, or both.

Geplaatst 7 februari 2023.
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7.8 uur in totaal (5.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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Buy the game on sale. Otherwise pass. It's a hard 6/10 if I'm being honest. A very average tactical shooter. It's very unfinished and unpolished. The AI is bad, and if you're playing solo, like I enjoy doing with Ready or Not; you don't get AI, it's just you by yourself, and that's lame. The lack of content doesn't justify the price tag in my opinion. Like I said, wait for a sale.
Geplaatst 6 juli 2022.
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202.3 uur in totaal (10.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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Updating this review entirely in lieu of the 1.0 release. It sucks! It needs a major patch. I think visually this game is stunning and VOID is going in the right direction, the writing, voice acting, aesthetic department; this game is amazing in that regard, but I want to talk about the gameplay.

The AI is excessively frustrating. Your AI officers can't really do anything on their own, and I wish they were more dynamic, you have to control their every move, and their AI breaks often. You'll order them to do something and they simply won't do it, they get stuck. Single player is just a slog because of this. The suspect AI is worse, I'm not bothered if a suspect is waiting in ambush, that makes sense, but they are far too quiet unless they are shouting or shooting. You can't hear stifled breaths, you can't really hear them walking around or bumping into things. They will shoot the literal nanosecond you open the door and it's always a perfect shot to the dome, even if you're wearing the facemask, they'll kill you.

I know this is a game where you have to be methodical and act carefully, but it doesn't always play like that, you can't always counter with overwhelming force, because you simply aren't as fast as the suspects are. The thing that really sealed the deal with this review is when I spent maybe 15 minutes searching for the last suspect, the game, I carefully checked everywhere and could not find him. Finally he starts shooting randomly because the game is getting impatient. I open one door and he gets a perfect headshot before I can even shout "♥♥♥♥". I must of spend 40 minutes in that mission, that dudes morale should of been 0. It felt so unfair and cheap, and this isn't the first time this has happened. Please fix this frustrating mess.
Geplaatst 27 december 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 14 december 2023.
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63.9 uur in totaal (39.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I feel like this game will one day be good, but as of right now I can't give it a positive review. When I play this, it feels a bit like Battlefield, but something is missing. Because the maps are so big, so huge in fact, the micro details aren't present. Trash, barrels, empty boxes, and destructible buildings. None of that is there. While previously in Battlefield 4, I could wipe out cheeky campers with a tank, blowing up the whole structure, I can't do that in 2042, and it feels like a downgrade. I have to get out of my vehicle and face them at their own game, and guess what? I die and I feel stupid. Battlefield 4 gave me options, there's no options here, you either run on foot or you take a vehicle. The map isn't able to be destroyed as you go along. What is all feels like to me is that the maps are so big, that the structures which are present for cover are made up of primitive shapes. Boxes, cylinders, and spheres. It's all very clean looking and not gritty at all. Even on the muddy ship map, it doesn't feel very muddy, no dirt on your guns even. This lack of tight structures causes everything to feel very open, where teammates and enemies alike can run around in the same objectives, without either one noticing. In Battlefield 4, you can flank, but chances are you will come face to face with an enemy, or be spotted along the way. It's just really annoying when an enemy team's only strategy is to flank constantly without us noticing, and harass like one or two objectives for the whole game, tipping the scales enough to win. I feel like in a game like this, with the maps so big, the spawn beacon should be removed. Not only is it a dinky little thing, but it allows any squad to just put one up, and flank a near endless amount, with no one even able to locate the beacon, because the map is huge.

Talking about the classes specifically, I really dislike a few of them. The wing suit warrior is probably the most egregious because that player can literally be anywhere. Players like to glide in and just flank kill, which is very effective. I thought the grapple hook dude would be more powerful in this flanking regard, but he isn't, his reach is quite short. Everyone else in the roster is pretty lame, I'd say the two previous are the most dramatic. I actually like using the hackerman a lot because he gets tanks and helicopters to bugger off for a little bit. The medic is what she is; a medic.

Moving on the gunplay. I guess my aim is just ♥♥♥♥, but I'm not a huge fan of it. I feel like the initial recoil is quite strong, instead of getting stronger over time. I've gotten used to it for maybe the default rifle and this game's version of the SCAR. I have encountered some hit registration issues. These wouldn't bother me, but they cause me to lose what is basically a free kill, so I'm quite pissed about it.
https://gyazo.com/eee549a6b672913717fe8b250702a576 Please keep in mind that this is a rare happening. But it still happens.

Here is another glitch pertaining to weapon swapping. My character begins to do the MAAWS reload animation when I just want my SCAR out, again causing a cheap death. https://gyazo.com/40fc67800b08f5347ea7aef5c66fee26

So yeah, that's all I'm going to say about this game, if you haven't bought it, don't! Not until it's been polished, and missing features added. Maybe then I can give it a better review. Take care, reader.

Bonus: MAV chilling below the map, dunno how it got there https://gyazo.com/1008ee83f76fcf0e66f140c7798293e6
Geplaatst 27 november 2021.
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4.9 uur in totaal
I honestly thought this was a really cute game that tried as it might to be more game-y. This is not a simulator game in the "Farming Simulator" sense. It's boring in a different way: lack of progression.
I loved the flying, and I think that was the most important mechanic for a game like this to get exactly right. I felt like I had good control of my bee. Going into more technicalities; the voice acting was fine, I thought an effort was put in, and while not perfect, they did their best, and there was a cute charm to it. I can understand why others wouldn't like it though.
The overall story was very short, I finished it in little over an hour, and spent the rest of my time trying to do side quests and get skins for my bee. This brought me to another issue: the map is huge, but it feels so empty; there isn't much to do besides collecting pollen, and I didn't want to max out, because my bee would not shut up about how much pollen she had. So I rarely collected unless I had to. Not collecting pollen somewhat prevents your bee from gaining her speed boost, something which is fundamental to traversing the map. I hate feeling slow, and the boost really helped with that, but I really didn't like how quickly it was depleted. When it's gone, you are slow, and you need to either rest for a long a$$ time, or find some sweets, which require some searching, which wastes time.
The more I played after the story, the more bored I got, the cracks really began to show, and my 4 hours is about as much playtime you should expect as well. I finished all but one side quest, I think there are 10 of them, which isn't much added playtime.
Bees aren't my favorite bugs, I like moths the most, but they are cute and important. I appreciate this game because it had a heart, and presented a lot of bee facts, as well as bringing up some awareness, but in terms of actually playing, I wasn't a huge fan. The more I played the more I wished this game could have done better, because I think it's such a good concept, but sadly it fell short. I'm happy I played it for the time being, but I would not recommend it.
Geplaatst 11 augustus 2021.
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279.2 uur in totaal (119.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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pissing bullets with 50 syringes
Geplaatst 27 december 2019.
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20.5 uur in totaal (2.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
This game is addictive and a lot of fun to play. Currently I use the mouse control settings, since it feels the most natural for this sort of game. I would really like to see custom keybinds in the future though.
My other issue is that there are times when I lose track of my ship. I'd like there to be a fix for that, it's gotten me killed quite a few times, and this is the kind of game where it is bullet hell, and there will be so much on the screen that its bound to happen.
Awesome game though! Really fun.
Geplaatst 5 april 2019.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
1,261.2 uur in totaal (29.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I love this game. I don't feel like writing all that much, so a lot of this will be shorthand.

Melee (mostly) focused game where you kill rat man (not rat women), and redditors. Some redditors are bigger than others.

Game's melee mechanics are extremely polished. Each weapon has an animation set which allows for combos and animation cancelling. Some weapons are better than others though. You can block, push, parry, and dodge. Dodge is your best friend. Good players can dodge for days. Dodge is also tied to your held weapon. Some weapons have more dodges than others.

Something people might not like is that there is a weapon meta. There are breakpoints and numbers and whatnot that matter if you take the game really seriously. I don't, but I thought I should mention that. The only thing a normal not-nerd should focus on is your dodges, staggering, and stamina shields (number of blocks you have at a time)

A nice selection of characters to play from. Don't play the elf. ;)

The voice acting is really good, characters talk to each other when in close proximity. It's cute, I like that. #PoggersBridge

EVEN if you don't care about Warhammer fantasy *gags* you can still play the game to its fullest. At the core of this horde killer, you require no prior knowledge of the nerd realm. However playing this game did get me interested enough to do further research!


The bugs are few and far between, but when they happen, they hit hard. Once every 100-ish hours you might fall from a random height and instantly die. Or get stuck on something (depending on what you landed on)

At higher levels this game is pretty hard. It can go from 0-100 in a flash, and if you aren't prepared for that later on, then you should pass, or stick to lower difficulties (No offense here, I did the same thing for days until I was comfortable with Legend difficulty). I personally like this quick decision making game play, because you can clutch, making the payoff super satisfying.

The bots suck. So you're put in a position where you might have to play with other people. Scary I know. I've had some lovely encounters, and some awful ones, but that's the nature of an online game to be fair...


My bias: I prefaced this with "I love this game", and I do. I have a lot of great memories with it! I've introduced it to my friends, who have also enjoyed it.

That's all I can really care to say. Thanks for reading!
Geplaatst 5 juli 2018. Laatst gewijzigd 12 december 2021.
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