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Évaluations récentes de ♫Sky♫

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.9 h en tout
TL:DR the best this game has to offer, is done much better in other free to play games. Go play Warframe or Destiny 2.

The First Descendant is ROUGH in my honest opinion. While it looks sick and has fairly nice sound design, it feels just....shallow? Flat? Stale? The general movement feels almost weightless but not in a good way. Somehow feeling both slow and clunky, but also way too responsive. Movements are instant with little to no weight behind them. Gun play is fine at best, uninspired at worst. Feeling more like you're playing airsoft rather than shooting big weapons.

The start of the game is just not interesting or fun. It drops you into a tutorial mission, give you a basic rundown of your movement and abilities. They almost certainly copied the story from other things, without actually knowing how to write something interesting on their own. They literally throw a huge enemy at you in the start saying "Oh no! This is really bad! But it looks weaker than normal so we can take it!" before telling you all these crazy mechanics like climbing onto the thing and ripping chunks out of it to weaken it. Meanwhile, I shot it a few times and it died with ease. Where was the challenge? Was it really that dangerous of an enemy?

This feels like another NEXON pump and dump game. Copy others homework, pump it full of micro-transactions and pray people spend money on it. Oh and by the way they're selling your data.
Évaluation publiée le 5 juillet.
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7.0 h en tout
My best friend and I played this together. And we had a seriously fun time. It was difficult and challenging. We fell and climbed, fell, climbed. Over and over until we finally made it. I'm not lying when I say, that when we reached the end, I laughed so hard and then genuinely sobbed. This $5 game, designed to make people mad and quit. Made me sob like a baby.

If the Developer ever reads this. I genuinely thank you for this experience. It really genuinely made me realize just how much love in my heart my best friend holds.
Évaluation publiée le 4 juillet.
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2.7 h en tout (1.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Gray Zone Warfare, or GZW for short, is a very solid experience so far. Does it have it's problems? Absolutely. But the game is still heavily in development. For $35 (less than tarkov) you get a pretty solid game, made by devs that actually listen. You don't even need to pay $250 for PvE! Imagine that!

Do I recommend buying the game as it is now? Kinda. It is in a rough state, which is understandable considering the scale of the project and the fact it hasn't been out very long (As of june 15th for this review) That being said, what's there is pretty good, and I'm sure will only get better.

But it is getting better. They are working on it. I am excited and hopeful to see what the future for this game holds.
Évaluation publiée le 15 juin.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
30.9 h en tout
Buy this game! It's well made, the developers listen to their community and it's just insanely fun and silly. Play with friends for the best experience!
Évaluation publiée le 3 mai. Dernière modification le 6 mai.
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56.8 h en tout (42.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
TL;DR - Don't pay more than $30 for this. Solid game at that price. ♥♥♥♥ at $60.

God where do I even start with Dying Light 2. I feel like a better name would be "Dying Inspiration 2".

The gameplay is solid and the world looks pretty but it feels.....dry. Bland. Unimpressive. Especially when compared to it's predecessor. There's a lot of questionable things that happen in game that feel just bad in general. I think my biggest gripe is the parkour.

It still feels -fine- and sometimes good. But they over-tuned the assistance in it. So no longer do you feel grounded and in control. Now it feels floaty and less rewarding. Quite literally pulling you towards things if you aren't close enough. Compensating rather than letting you fall for a mistake.

The story is seriously bland. The whole concept behind it has been done to death. And feels cheap. Like it belongs in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ B-List action movie.

If you don't care for spoilers then It's the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ "You're a lab rat child turned super soldier but your powers are a risk to others so you go to find the one man who did it to you and save your girlfriend from him. Oh and surprise he's the father of your dead childhood friend and your adoptive father.

Seriously lame.

Oh and the faction mechanics are basically the same as Fallout 4. Help this group, lose rep with the other, so on and so forth. Works fine just....already done before.
Évaluation publiée le 27 novembre 2023.
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23.1 h en tout
TL;DR - This Remake is amazing. Buy it. Play it.

Dead space was and still is, horrifying. The atmosphere is heavy, the audio creepy and bone chilling.

When Dead Space first released back in 2008, it shocked most who played it. Regarded as one of the best video games of all time, it was often recommended to go and play the game. Yes the old one. It really held up quite well in terms of sci-fi horror for easily a decade.

I was genuinely ecstatic when this game was announced. That hype absolutely carried into the game.

The 2023 Remake of Dead Space is genuinely a work of art. Motive Interactive clearly put blood sweat and tears into reviving this game and deserve some serious credit.

Without spoiling anything: The lighting, Audio, Atmosphere and over all graphics were brought up to AAA standards for 2023. Absolutely buy this game.
Évaluation publiée le 23 novembre 2023.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
55.5 h en tout (7.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
A wonderfully made co-op experience. Genuinely find some friends and give it a try.
Évaluation publiée le 6 novembre 2023.
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46.3 h en tout (43.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Into The Radius is one of the best titles for Virtual Reality on the market. Though it's had a bumpy road especially after making the quest 2 port, it's still a very solid game. It has a wonderful atmosphere and really sells that you are in fact. Alone.

There's immense levels of mystery and horror to the game and it's story. While also provide an incredibly challenging yet fun survival game.

I highly recommend buying this game. Even if official mod support won't be coming.
Évaluation publiée le 6 novembre 2023.
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1.1 h en tout
greg :)
Évaluation publiée le 24 octobre 2023.
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15.2 h en tout
Do not buy this game.
You get very little content with the base game, and they expect you to keep paying more and more to finish the game. Payday 3: chapter 2 just released, but ONLY as a PAID DLC. You want to continue the story? Pay for it. You want a new heist? Pay for it. New weapons? Pay for it. New Cosmetics? You guessed it! Pay for it!

♥♥♥♥ studio, boring game with generic gun play. Greedy developers
Évaluation publiée le 23 septembre 2023. Dernière modification le 27 juin.
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