♫™Lyra Heartstrings™♫
Names are for scrubs.
Hey, it's me, Lyra. (\^3^/)

Tidbits of Info
Name- Lyra Maria Heartstrings
Age- 18, give or take a few months
Colours- Aquamarine 'n White
Species- Unicorn
Sex- Always. JK x3 I'm a mare.
Cutie Mark- Golden Lyre
Skills- Playing the Lyre, Playing Electric Guitar/Bass, Mixing tracks
Favorite Mix?- Probably taking the US and ♥♥♥ versions of Stardust Speedway and mashing them together.
Favorite Band(s)/Artists- Crush 40, Tombstone 'n Toaster, SEGA, RHCP, Mötley Crüe, Black Keys, KISS, Ritchie Blackmore/Rainbow,
Other ♥♥♥♥ that I happen to like- Life, Miscs 'n ♥♥♥♥, Sonic the Hedgehog CD, Team Fortress 2, Mixing tracks (Like a PON3), Being Edgy, My cars, Mah Puppeh, My friends
♥♥♥♥ that I don't like- Scrubs, TF2 F2P's, People who take ♥♥♥♥ for granted, Medal of Honour, Cheaters, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, OP, etc. AND SCHOOL. DON'T FORGET SCHOOL.
My Theme- Rusty Cage by Johnny Cash
Pissed-Off Theme- Danger Inc. by Metallica
Battle Theme- Clash With Dash by Interrobang Pie
Catchphrase- Bad girls don't cry, they get even.
Codename- Hell's Redeemer

Want to RP? Add/Message Me! I'm terrible at deciding, so I'll let you set the scene. X3 Also, any kind of RP is okay, But I'm good at Romantic/ERP.

Heh. I'm always sexy. Ask any one of my friends. Oi! You staring at my flank? Well, how's the view, loverboy?

Am I a flirt? Maybe. Am I a slut? God, no. What am I? Depends on how you put your words together, boy. And don't think I can't see your cherry-red face.

Call of Duty. Everyone hates it, but I don't. I find it fun to play games with kids half my age.

Also, comment on my profile if you so please, but PUH-LEEZE do not stalk my profile, or spam ♥♥♥♥, as you will be removed as soon as possible.

My Most Valuable Steam Friends (MVSFs)
bunky238- Great guy. Real nice once you get to know him.
Daryl Dixon- Mr. Friggin' Trouble In Terrorist Town.
βrenton/Golden Thunderβolt- My
special somebody (<3) He's a real sweetheart. Married, as of 9/7/13. :3

For IRLFags
My name is Samantha M.
I'm 18
I'm a girl, so g0ml
I own a Nightmist Blue '67 Mustang GT, and a British Racing Green '68 GTO
I live alone
I have an australian accent
I'm a natural blonde, but my best friend dyed my hair red in my sleep
I also own 2 Colt .44 Magnums, can fire all 6 rounds in under a minute, and have a gun license.
And I'm single

If you want more info, just hit me up.
현재 오프라인
spade 2021년 12월 30일 오전 1시 40분 
Damn people who are still friends with this account are committed
Crunchwrap Supreme 2014년 8월 6일 오후 3시 48분 
Nice job everyone. Thanks for noticing.
Crunchwrap Supreme 2014년 7월 30일 오후 1시 10분 
This is me guys, so add me here and I'll get back to you when I can.
KumikoShy 2014년 7월 8일 오후 1시 58분 
spade 2014년 7월 7일 오후 6시 20분 
she made a new user neggghgughggu
sexy 2014년 7월 3일 오후 8시 57분 
who are you