♫™Lyra Heartstrings™♫
Names are for scrubs.
Hey, it's me, Lyra. (\^3^/)

Tidbits of Info
Name- Lyra Maria Heartstrings
Age- 18, give or take a few months
Colours- Aquamarine 'n White
Species- Unicorn
Sex- Always. JK x3 I'm a mare.
Cutie Mark- Golden Lyre
Skills- Playing the Lyre, Playing Electric Guitar/Bass, Mixing tracks
Favorite Mix?- Probably taking the US and ♥♥♥ versions of Stardust Speedway and mashing them together.
Favorite Band(s)/Artists- Crush 40, Tombstone 'n Toaster, SEGA, RHCP, Mötley Crüe, Black Keys, KISS, Ritchie Blackmore/Rainbow,
Other ♥♥♥♥ that I happen to like- Life, Miscs 'n ♥♥♥♥, Sonic the Hedgehog CD, Team Fortress 2, Mixing tracks (Like a PON3), Being Edgy, My cars, Mah Puppeh, My friends
♥♥♥♥ that I don't like- Scrubs, TF2 F2P's, People who take ♥♥♥♥ for granted, Medal of Honour, Cheaters, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, OP, etc. AND SCHOOL. DON'T FORGET SCHOOL.
My Theme- Rusty Cage by Johnny Cash
Pissed-Off Theme- Danger Inc. by Metallica
Battle Theme- Clash With Dash by Interrobang Pie
Catchphrase- Bad girls don't cry, they get even.
Codename- Hell's Redeemer

Want to RP? Add/Message Me! I'm terrible at deciding, so I'll let you set the scene. X3 Also, any kind of RP is okay, But I'm good at Romantic/ERP.

Heh. I'm always sexy. Ask any one of my friends. Oi! You staring at my flank? Well, how's the view, loverboy?

Am I a flirt? Maybe. Am I a slut? God, no. What am I? Depends on how you put your words together, boy. And don't think I can't see your cherry-red face.

Call of Duty. Everyone hates it, but I don't. I find it fun to play games with kids half my age.

Also, comment on my profile if you so please, but PUH-LEEZE do not stalk my profile, or spam ♥♥♥♥, as you will be removed as soon as possible.

My Most Valuable Steam Friends (MVSFs)
bunky238- Great guy. Real nice once you get to know him.
Daryl Dixon- Mr. Friggin' Trouble In Terrorist Town.
βrenton/Golden Thunderβolt- My
special somebody (<3) He's a real sweetheart. Married, as of 9/7/13. :3

For IRLFags
My name is Samantha M.
I'm 18
I'm a girl, so g0ml
I own a Nightmist Blue '67 Mustang GT, and a British Racing Green '68 GTO
I live alone
I have an australian accent
I'm a natural blonde, but my best friend dyed my hair red in my sleep
I also own 2 Colt .44 Magnums, can fire all 6 rounds in under a minute, and have a gun license.
And I'm single

If you want more info, just hit me up.
Zurzeit offline
spade 30. Dez. 2021 um 1:40 
Damn people who are still friends with this account are committed
Crunchwrap Supreme 6. Aug. 2014 um 15:48 
Nice job everyone. Thanks for noticing.
Crunchwrap Supreme 30. Juli 2014 um 13:10 
This is me guys, so add me here and I'll get back to you when I can.
KumikoShy 8. Juli 2014 um 13:58 
spade 7. Juli 2014 um 18:20 
she made a new user neggghgughggu
sexy 3. Juli 2014 um 20:57 
who are you