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Senaste recensioner av Sir. Gameboy

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101.7 timmar totalt (100.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Fun, addictive poker game with tonnes of twists and roguelike elements to keep you going for ages. Such a great game to spend a couple minutes on here and there as it's quick to boot up and saves constantly, although you might have trouble putting it down ;).
Upplagd 11 juni.
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662.8 timmar totalt (245.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I've been addicted to this game for the past month. After five playthroughs, I can truly say this was a phenomenal experience. The story is good, and there's so much content, you'll never feel bored of all of the stuff you can do in this game. Don't get me started on the character customisation, I swear I spent like a quarter of my time on this game either designing a character, thinking up the perfect class combination, or trying on all sorts of gear to find a build that just gels. It's honestly so much fun. I feel like I could still do another ten playthroughs and still experience new stuff, all the while enjoying the journey over again. Also, while it sure makes for a great single-player experience, you really can't go wrong with a couple friends in the mix. I legitimately think that the only complaint I have is the game felt a little unfinished in places, and having heard of the huge amount of cut content, you can really start to see this towards the end of the game. Regardless, I'm sure Larian will continue to support the game, through adding new areas and levels through DLC or what have you. Alas, I'm certain this game is money well spent, even if that extra content doesn't eventuate. If you're on the fence about this game, as I was at first (with very little experience with the genre), I can only encourage you to take the dive. Trust me, it's worth it.
Upplagd 9 oktober 2023. Senast ändrad 22 november 2023.
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575.6 timmar totalt (497.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
A game I keep coming back to time after time. Really fun colony builder to play while relaxing and watching videos in the background. Endless fun really, and you can play it however you want. There's also thousands upon thousands of mods out there, some of which add simple Quality of Life features, and even some that are huge overhauls. Would definitely recommend to anyone who loves creative builder games, and if you want it, there's even a bit of strategy in there with the raid system. Also, all the DLC is worth it in my opinion. Royalty is my favourite as it adds some more spice to the progression aspect of the game, and who doesn't love building a kingdom? I haven't got Ideology yet as it's the one that least interests me, but I may get it when it goes on sale in the future.

Solid game, I can see myself playing this for years to come.
Upplagd 2 maj 2023. Senast ändrad 2 maj 2023.
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49.7 timmar totalt (22.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Absolutely amazing experience, especially if you go in blind. I had no idea what to expect and was utterly blown away by this game's story, visuals and soundtrack. I would certainly recommend buying this for Sci-Fi lovers or people who love a good story.


I was so excited to return to this game when I heard there'd be DLC releasing (who would've thought?), and I must say I was NOT disappointed. What an absurdly breathtaking summation to an already incredible game. The DLC really ties the whole story together, and while having some differences (especially in terms of gameplay) when compared to the base game, still brings more of what made Outer Wilds great.

This is probably my favourite game of all time. And even though it might not be one of those games you can keep on enjoying for years and years and spending hundreds of hours on, the experience is one I'll never forget, and probably keep coming back to for years to come. Absolutely a 10/10.
Upplagd 25 november 2020. Senast ändrad 4 oktober 2021.
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46.2 timmar totalt (40.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Celeste is my favourite platformer I've ever played, and not just because of the exciting gameplay. This game also brings with it an amazing story that really hits home in a lot of places. Combine a great story and awesome movement with quality music and beautiful pixel art aesthetics and you've got yourself an almost perfect game.
Upplagd 3 oktober 2019. Senast ändrad 3 oktober 2019.
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2.5 timmar totalt
It's a great game, although I'm literally scarred for life. Seriously, and I know the game warns you of this, but don't play this if you cant handle disturbing themes. I played through once and then half-through 3 more times to get the most out of it, but it's not really worth more than one playthrough. Still, I enjoyed it, and hey it's free, so why not give it a go?
Upplagd 31 mars 2019.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1,229.7 timmar totalt (533.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
A very exciting and fun game, but people's experiences may vary depending on their idea of a good time. Survivor is fairly easy to play and in my opinion can be more fun than killer at times, but don't let that dissuade you from trying killer out. Playing the killer can be very stressful and difficult at times, but the better you get the more fun and rewarding it is to destroy teams of survivors as your favourite killer. Definitely reccomend it to people who like progression, teamwork, and being in control.
Upplagd 11 februari 2018.
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4.2 timmar totalt (0.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This game man...

I watched other people play this, but I wanted to try it for myself, so I thought I'd get it.

I was very happy with my decision. Such a unique idea, and so much playability!

I absolutely loved it!
Upplagd 23 november 2016. Senast ändrad 31 mars 2019.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
9.2 timmar totalt (6.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Being my first mystery/exploration game i've ever played, I was unsure if I'd really like it. I was only recommended this game because of its unbelievable graphics, but never really got too into the story/actual game. I stopped playing it for a while after being lost and not knowing what to do, something this game should try to fix. I came back to it after getting my new computer with better graphics, and with the help of some guides, started progressing again through the story. After I learnt the mechanics, I began solving puzzles myself and going off and exploring more places. Once I'd gained a new confidence for this game, I became more invested in the story, and within an hour or two I'd completed the whole game. Overall this was a lovely experience and totally worth the money, the graphics are truly beautiful, and the story was very intriguing. The only downfall I saw was previously mentioned, the game doesn't guide you enough. Maybe veterans to the genre will enjoy that, but for me searching up guides to complete a section was a little embarassing. Great game though, 8 / 10.
Upplagd 25 september 2016.
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11 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
244.5 timmar totalt (172.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)

Starbound is an immersive experience you won't find anywhere else. Yes, it may appear similar to various other games like Terraria (which is also great), but Starbound is completely out of this world (No pun intended).

Some of the great things about this game:

- THE MUSIC is amazing, utterly creative and truly inspirational, it's one of the many things that keep me wanting more time and time again.

- THE STORY aswell as the overall feel of this epic game is second to none. As you travel around in an open world (or universe), you almost feel as if you are alone in such a massive expanse. The creative (some almost abnormal) missions and objectives always leave you with more to do (it is still under development too, so there's always more to experiment with).

- THE GAMEPLAY is like an action packed, RPG adventure game. Oh, and trust me, you will die a lot in this game. There is such a huge variety of swords, guns, magic staves and rocket launchers, you will always find a better weapon to play with. There is almost as much variety in the planets and creatures you will encounter as there is in weapons. Volcanic, Moons, Frozen, Toxic Oceans, Deserts, and Lush Forests. You will never see the same creature twice either (Well, except for those pesky bosses).

Anyway, to sum it up, Starbound is one of the most in-depth 2D adventure games on the market as of yet, and I am anticipating what this game is yet to bring to the world. Absolutetly incredible.
Upplagd 19 januari 2016. Senast ändrad 26 september 2018.
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