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3.6 hrs on record
last played on May 23
290 hrs on record
last played on May 20
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last played on May 16
playa May 22 @ 7:49pm 
+rep played risk of rain 2
DB25 May 21 @ 6:16pm 
Moron Express May 5 @ 7:30pm 
"hello i made a steam account TO PLAY ONLY SQUAD????!??!?"
starstarstar Apr 23 @ 9:04am 
yeah me too
stoned catgirl Mar 30 @ 6:45am 
-rep i bumped into this bloody bloke in the middle of csgo match and i thought she was pretty hot on her shots. over the past few month and we've started chatting quite more often, she was quite the talker with her words and really knew how to woo a man. i invited her over and turns out it was a dude, ive talked to this ♥♥♥♥ for months now and i gave up so many skins, i am absolutely livid. i want you folks to remember that girls dont exist here and its just another dodgy daft ♥♥♥♥ looking to suck ♥♥♥♥ never playing with them ever again. :steamsalty: :steamsalty: :steamthumbsdown:
Chips Mar 15 @ 1:42pm 
You know, it is chauvinist men like you that make women so emotional. Maybe, just maybe, YOU are the one who is flawed. But you are too damned self-absorbed and gender discriminatory to ever think that there is some flaw in the sculptured image you have made yourself into. And maybe if you STOPPED using the opposite sex as nothing more than a figure, something to blame, something to mistreat, and something to abuse, you could stop making yourself into such a vexing sexist pig. And, maybe, if you could take a look outside of yourself and not give a name to a large group of peoples, you could learn something. Oh and also, have you taken sex ed? Because last time I checked,YOU would not BE here without a woman. And also, you are making YOURSELF look stupid and unenlightened to the human species when you even ask this question. So I'll answer your question with one of my own: Why are YOU so annoying?

Go fall in a ditch.