Son of a Fritz
Rev Fritz   Albany, New York, United States
If you don't see me on here you will probably find me on psn, D3, or any number of places so knowing my cell can get you far...

or on the off chance possibly spending time with my wife and kids in which case no amount of phone calls can reach me because it is most likly off.
76561198138246259 9 lug 2014, ore 14:49 
hendawg2020 19 giu 2013, ore 21:22 
Quick and easy trade! Recommend! :)
[HAN]zhmwwl 19 gen 2013, ore 0:51 
Thanks for your present, revpeachs~
Kuleron 7 dic 2012, ore 17:20 
Great Trader :D +rep
mj15 1 dic 2012, ore 16:49 
Great and fast trader +rep
Chuck 26 lug 2012, ore 13:23 
After a mistake from my part, slow (but effective) steam support, this guy showed he's an excellent person, +++rep. Thank you.