(MM) :: redarrow
"What began as a conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machines escalated into a war which has decimated a million worlds. The Core and the Arm have all but exhausted the resources of a galaxy in their struggle for domination. Both sides, now crippled beyond repair. The remnants of their armies continue to battle on ravaged planets; their hatred fueled by over four thousand years of total war. This is a fight to the death. For each side the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other."

I'm so lovely ^,^ <3 xoxo~

keepah = the spam!
DS = cute
Gummey = gay, but we still accept you! <3
Polar does not have the nucri.
keyz has big muscles!
gundam = <3

My guide on standard build orders:


Supreme Commander 2 Eternal Conflict MOD:

Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 1 406 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 25.5.
yhteensä 5,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 25.5.
yhteensä 35 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.5.
cunt 2.4.2020 klo 16.43 
watch out! get down! na im joking its lockdown =D
cunt 31.10.2018 klo 18.34 
you are a very hot grill.
(MM) :: redarrow 30.11.2014 klo 7.57 
After I finished skyrim =D
cunt 28.11.2014 klo 18.09 
supcom misses YOU (me) come play again!
(MM) :: Wrixed 20.10.2014 klo 14.13 
Always friends!
cunt 7.9.2014 klo 14.15 
You back off aswell. sdfdsgfsn