Taylor/Sal   Western Cape, South Africa
NB (They/She) Furry Trash with little to no attention span. Maybe a real llama, maybe a cat. It's the internet you never know. :winter2019cooldog:
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gummy 13 Mar @ 4:02am 
Hey there!
I'm interning with an indie game devs team. I noticed that you're a big fan Roguelites and auto battlers, and figured our game might be right up your alley. And I am approaching to offer you a key to our game.
If you've got a second and wouldn't mind throwing some feedback or tips my way about the translations or how the game plays, please add me as a friend for further discussion, this would be super helpful for our game's improvement. Can't wait to hear what you think!
ray008 23 Mei 2021 @ 10:17am 
coward destyni 2 hdp
Greenie Cat 2 Jul 2020 @ 4:43pm 
Could be a cat?