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Análises recentes de myrsyli

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13.3 horas registradas
I'm annoyed.

I really like Batman. A lot. I'm not a hardcore fan who's read loads of comic books and knows every single detail of all the different universes - but still I am so annoyed. The only thing that makes this piece feel like a Batman game is the game's title.

The base of the story is quite ok. It's nice how Telltale tried to do something different by changing the setting a bit (let's say it was interesting) and not using the usual character stereotypes but... Telltale tried way too much to make the game feel so DIFFERENT and unique that it feels like most of it is made half-assed. Too many ideas and characters' side plots have been thrown together and nothing has been concentrated on well enough. Some episodes feel like they have too much story progression and so little time, while some episodes were so boring I literally fell asleep. Very poor pacing is a huge part of the reason why the story didn't feel that great - and I'm not even mentioning the awful "romance" Telltale apparently wanted to force here.

However I think the characters were even weaker. The dialogue really doesn't do them justice, since now it just feels like everyone's equally boring and have none of their typical charisma (e.g. Bruce Wayne as the charismatic playboy). What makes me even sadder is that the voice actors in this game are REALLY good, but it sounds like they had wrong characters casted for them - not sure if this is the actors' choice or what the director wanted. For example I absolutely adore Troy Baker's work, but him as Bruce Wayne didn't feel right. Him as the Joker would've been a dream come true. But all in all the characters felt really off anyway, as if they were made in a hurry.

The game did also have the typical Telltale problems. You as the player have barely any say in what's going to happen in the game. Regardless of your choices things are going to go just as the game wants, and that really wouldn't be a problem if "the story is tailored by how you play" didn't sound like more than just small bits of dialogue would change.

I hardly enjoyed playing the game at all. I actually like QTEs quite a lot, but in this game there were way too much of those. That's not quality content, it's just being lazy. It doesn't matter if there's a cool fight going on in the background if I have to pay attention to the constant on-screen prompts. Between the QTE scenes you'll have to sit through the somewhat boring dialogue or do some detective "puzzles" that the game almost fully solves for you. Playing games should be fun and story driven games should make you ponder stuff. I got neither of those feelings.

I waited for this game more than any other Telltale game before and in the end this was the worst one I've played so far... and I was kind enough not to mention the FPS and crashing problems I had. There were some interesting ideas but they were really poorly executed. I wasn't THE Batman, I was your typical american guy who just wanted to put on an animal suit. I really hope that if and when season 2 ever comes that Telltale knows to cram less stuff into one game and tries to focus better on what they already have. Quality over quantity, please.
Publicada em 28 de dezembro de 2016.
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106.3 horas registradas (30.2 horas no momento da análise)
I don't even know where to start. At first I thought I'd get a typical space adventure with laser beams and stuff, but what I actually got was beyond all my expectations. First of all the story is great. It keeps gradually developing between the games and keeps the player intrigued at all times. We all have played at least one of those games that keep you wide awake through the whole night, and this truly is one of those. Even after finishing the game there are loads of fascinating lore waiting to be read and trust me, it's worth it.

Sadly if you're not interested in talking to people wholeheartedly or just don't care about the dialogue that much, you'll miss most of the game's charm since most of the important stuff happen during conversations. Some things tend to get complicated really fast if you decide to skip even a few important dialogues. And sometimes just listening to random NPCs was enough to keep me entertained, even if it didn't have anything to do with the mission itself. The amount of work that has been put into the dialogue really pays off, and I barely remember times when talking with someone didn't put a smile on my face.

Probably the thing that made the game for me were the characters. I found something intriguing in all of them (even if Kelly Chambers deserves death for "you have new messages" when there are none) and I couldn't wait for getting to do their loyalty missions and actually making them my friends rather than just comrades during the war. Only some of them started to grow on me. The more I talked with them the more I started to love them to bits... especially Tali, Garrus and Mordin. I actually started to feel like I wanted to keep them alive and protect them at all costs, and that's when you know they're well made.

After playing the first game the controls feel so smooth and not complicated at all, so there's nothing to complain about. During combat the only flaw I found was that at times Shepard seemed to be unable to follow the instructions and just died without jumping over a simple obstacle, but those things happen. Also the AI might seem a bit idiotic, but that probably can be corrected by choosing a higher difficulty setting.

And oh god, the replay value. The possibilities are almost endless when it comes to how you want to play. Different classes, gender, decisions, romances... everything can be played differently and affects things in different ways. In most games the only thing you can affect is whether you want to be the good samaritan or not, and that's it. This is the first time I've ever felt that by replaying I might actually achieve something I didn't the last time I played, even if it'd take another 30 hours of my life.

The graphics were really good too, even if Bioware still tends to overuse the blur effect. Overall the game is pretty and really pleases the eye. There simply aren't reasons why someone shouldn't at least try the game out - except if you aren't ready for the bumpy ride Mass Effect 1 first wants to offer you.

tl;dr Awesome calibrating simulator. 95/100
Publicada em 18 de março de 2015.
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50.0 horas registradas (27.4 horas no momento da análise)
Despite the fact that the game is somewhat buggy, it has offered me one of the most hilarious gaming experiences I've ever had. The only rule is not to question ANYTHING that happens while playing. Now if you excuse me, I have more cars to blow up!
Publicada em 13 de junho de 2014.
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