..only 5 billion years left..patience
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spelades senast den 14 maj
11,1 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 28 apr
2,2 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 16 mar
Volcanic 7 apr @ 6:08 
May your Sunday be as carefree as this guy's!
Remember this? :FirePM:
Sabfas 1 jan @ 0:35 
Wishing you an amazing new year ahead! :heartb::heartpr:
Morlan 4 nov, 2023 @ 5:29 
Well in the grand scheme of things, I kinda took the median average. It may have been a mistake in the universal scale. Alright then!
Morlan 4 nov, 2023 @ 5:20 
heh, thanks man.. (or you know.. preferable biped or something..)
Volcanic 4 nov, 2023 @ 5:15 
Fair point. That's a cautionary measure to reduce scam messages.

Onto the issue, I've seen how you patiently argued with veiled bigots. Anyone with half a brain cell would see how they're attempting to distort the facts.
I just see you as a good human being and it would be my privilege to call you a friend.