You might be wondering why I'm so good at cs!
Get to know me! (emo warning)
Hey everyone, it's like peeling back the layers of a rotting onion to truly understand someone, isn't it? Well, here goes nothing. Brace yourselves for a journey into the depths of my soul, where darkness reigns and despair is my constant companion.

I exist in the shadows of Ireland, a lone figure draped in black, a silhouette against the gray sky. My heart beats to the rhythm of melancholy melodies, each note a lament for the pain I carry within. I am an emo/goth boy, cursed to wander this desolate landscape, haunted by my own inner demons.
Recent Activity
3,616 hrs on record
last played on May 24
1,081 hrs on record
last played on May 20
104 hrs on record
last played on May 17
stitchums Mar 27 @ 4:46pm 
+rep saved my dog from drowning even though he was the one who took away his arm bands!
AkilleZ Mar 10 @ 1:58pm 
You 100% smell like a cheeseburger that is why you got a big mouth.
milk Mar 9 @ 9:52am 
bro why u still checking my profile lmao ?
You were cheating in MM on cs ofcourse i ♥♥♥♥ talk you, I play faceit, I don't beef people cus they ain't cheating

Also here is ur VAC banned acc
AkilleZ Mar 9 @ 9:01am 
Damn still beefing with people cause you are trash at the game?
Gyubi^ -.- Feb 20 @ 3:47pm 
-rep big mouth noob
slaboch Feb 17 @ 12:33pm 
-rep crying ♥♥♥♥♥