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73.4 ч. всего (71.2 ч. в момент написания)
What can I say that hasn't been said. It is like the original Binding of Isaac, only better in almost every way. More areas, items, and bosses. So Yes - I would recommend anyone to buy it who like Zelda on the Nes.

However the one thing I didn't like with this version over the original... it actually feels less random. For example, a lot of the really fun items have a low spawn rate in this version. So i find myself getting the "Bean" all the time and "Poop", and rarely getting Quad Shot or Parasite. Also.... the Bomb power ups are not as useful because the shooting rate is higher... causing more accidental self damage.

For those that never played the original... imagine a gross version of Zelda on the Nes. Random levels, power ups, bosses, and strange/sick/disturbing monsters/music/images.

Each time you die, you must restart. Each time you win, more areas/items unlock. Eventually you can 100% but that is for the extreme player. However you can upgrade the store by doanating money and it keeps upgraded unless you Rob it or go over 999 donations.

They call it "Rogue Like" because of these key factors, but some would argue.

I recommend it!
Опубликовано 21 марта 2015 г..
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17.3 ч. всего
Pretty fun game! It is a very basic RPG style turn based gameplay. You level up, collect gear, and modify the gear. Use misc power up items through the game to heal status/health/mana/pp.

The bad guys and bosses level up as you level up. So you cannot over level up... or at least I think you cannot.

You get "special magic" attacks and special upgrades that unlock previous unreachable areas. The game rewards you with humor or items for being curious.

That being said... its all in the Southpark Universe. So the story goes through some of the memorable and strange places from the Cartoon Series, but not the favs... just the memorable.

I did however find it quite easy... the only time I died was on Al Gore and it was because I thought I was doing something wrong and trying to "save" him; but that was because the dialog was odd and made it seem like there might be a secret way to do it.

Anyway ~ I totally recommend it if you like old school turn based RPG's and South Park.

Опубликовано 21 марта 2015 г..
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10.2 ч. всего
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Well this Early Access Game will remain in unplayed set of games, even though I played it for 10 hours. The reason is because it is very Alpha Build and not ready for a proper review - that being said; below is my story and hopefully it helps the community inform the Dev team of what needs to be fixed going into Beta. Hopefully I can review it again in 6-12 months from now.

So my brother loves survival games and he set up a server and began playing it. I purchased to play with him, but everytime we played - he did 10 times as much stuff as I did.

I would spent 90 minutes just gathering plant fiber, stickers, and apples - in order to make 6-7 animal snares. I turn around and my brother built a house and had 16 logs piled up.

I would spent 90 minutes trying to level the ground to build something and I would turn around my brother has a giant blacksmith set up. WTF?

Well it turns out my life was feudal because he unknowingly had GM powers, unlimited sack, and could build on unlevel ground - while I could only carrie 180 dirt each run, carry hardly anything, and breaking a branch takes 30 seconds.

We laugh about it now, but the proper way to play the game without GM powers is WAY TO SLOW! We don't have 30 friends to build a village and the normal way to play is a total time sink for no good reason - in my opinion.
Опубликовано 30 октября 2014 г..
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1.8 ч. всего
Pretty good fun - I never got around to playing the orignal Slender game, but for an indie horror game; this was was pretty good.

The basic idea is that you have to interact with objects, read letters, and avoid being capture by the evil Slender and his friends. Some of the levels appeared to be a little bit randomly generated. The enviroments were good for an indie game but I did feel that "getting lost" was a part of the gameplay but it was also a bit annoying during a fire level.

Overall though it was a bit easy the first play through, a little over an hour even with pauses/retry ect. It did have a couple of cheesy parts that were goofy and not scary.

I'd recommend for anyone looking to play a small horror game in place of a horror movie. But don't expect AAA; its clearly an indie with indie level gameplay/graphics.
Опубликовано 1 сентября 2014 г..
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10.8 ч. всего
Much better than I expected! The game was funny, entertaining, and the platforming puzzles were clever but logical.

The basic idea: Collect gems/yarn and get to the exit. You move things, press buttons, avoid cats, and use special items. Basically a gameplay style as old as gaming exisited. The twist... its funny and mulitplayer.

With 8 Chapters, each having 9 basic levels, 2 boss time trials, and 3 bonus time trials - there is 112+ levels if you count secret stages and multiplayer levels. So normally a game like this I would breeze through in 2-4 hours, but this took about 10 hours to beat and get an A on all the levels but the last two bonus time trials after beating the game.

I wish I had someone I knew to coop with and try to make the game funny. I hate to be that guy, but it could be a funny drinking game (if your 21 and over an don't plan on driving.)

I recommend it, if you like old school platformers with silly humor.
Опубликовано 20 июля 2014 г..
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30.7 ч. всего
30 Hours later - I beat it and completed the side mission battles (which were harder than the last boss.)

The first 15 hours of this game was really good - a classic turn based RPG combat with some internet humor thrown in. You have three people in battle and one back up. You buff, cast magic, and attack - what you would expect.

The core of the combat is fun, but in the later stages of the game: it becomes a little bit of a chore at times. I didn't find the game to be hard - infact it was easy for an RPG, even the bonus areas. It was very easy to stay alive and slowly reduce a big boss over time.... however that being said - I have years & years of classic RPG experience and most of the "close calls" I bounced back quickly. I actually died once just to see what happened.

Anyway - this is a fun, classic, RPG style game with a lot of spells, summons, and monsters to fight. Not a lot outside of the combat but enough to keep you entertained for awhile.

I would recommend it!
Опубликовано 10 июля 2014 г..
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3.1 ч. всего
Of course I love watching the AVGN videos, even the later ones that got strange...

The game however is alright. It is a throwback to the past of Nintendo era games. 2D side scrolling action with lots of difficult platforming jumps. Some of the levels are pretty fun and some of them are just odd. The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ did remind me of what I didn't like about old Castlevania games.

All that being said - took me a little under 3 hours to beat and most of that time was re-playing the last level becase the last boss is hard as nails.

If you want to re-experiene an old/hard Nintendo era game. Give it a try! However it does have a lot of strange text references to the AVGN short movie series.
Опубликовано 28 июня 2014 г..
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15.4 ч. всего
Well - 15 hours to beat, clear all radio towers and check points. Good length of time for a AAA title.

While I did have an enjoyable time, there was moments I struggled with. So I'll go with the bad first... the AI didn't seem very smart, guns didn't feel like they had an impact until the enemy/animal died, and the scripted sections felt a bit forced in screen movement. Also - jumping around rocks seemed odd.

Overall though I had a good time. This took the bad things about Far Cry 2 and made them good things. If I was to compare this to another game... it is basically Skyrim with guns and less depth. The bad guys were really bad (which is good) and the good guys were questionable (which is good.)

If you want an open world game to explore, hunt, and tackle enemy camps on your terms - look no farther! If you want a smart game that doesn't have Quick Time Events... look elsewhere. Very beautiful areas, colors, and lighting!

A great game, but could have bene better with better AI and more impactful combat.
Опубликовано 14 июня 2014 г..
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7.4 ч. всего
I was really into buying this game before I played it. I will admit - it was a great fun, but not as awesome as I wanted.

It played great, levels are fun, power ups are neat, and lots of bosses: however I felt like mobility of my charactor made it less fun.

The concept of the game is to play several areas looking for a way home - each time you die, you must start over: however depending on what you did in your last game... you might have unlocked new power ups to find and playable charactors.

You collect power ups and money to unlock items. Then you fight a boss and teleport to the next area. The longer you play - the harder it gets but the tougher you become. Eventually you make your way to a final space ship to go home with a last boss battle.

I did find the game to be very hard... until I realized I just needed to grind out each level for as many random power ups as I could find. Eventually stacking power ups made me nearly unbeatable. I played the game about 10-15 times (7 hours) before I learned to beat it. With prior knowledge - it could be much faster.

Totally cool game, but doesn't hold my attention longer than the 7 hours I played it. However I might occasionally play another round on a slow Saturday.
Опубликовано 20 мая 2014 г..
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176.2 ч. всего (71.1 ч. в момент написания)
What is there to say about Dark Souls 2... I woud recommend it to anyone who loves Melee combat games and RPG's where you are not hand holded. I played it on the XBOX 360 and beat it... but my 360 died the next day.

So I purchased the PC version and it is so much better than the Console versions. Looks good, smooth gameplay, and the multiplayer connection problems were a ton better than the 360 version. After 60 hours in the PC version - I beat it three times and got 100% Acheivements.

If you have never played Dark Souls or Demon Souls. Dark Soulss 2 is a third person view fantasy world/combat game that allows for precise melee combat and range magic/bows. The combat can be awkward but rewarding once you figure it out. It has RPG Elements of stat points as you level and armor/weapons to collect and enhance their strength.

The multiplayer is unlike any other game series. People can invade your single player game to try and kill you... or you can summon them for a level/boss fight - but they disappear back to their world after the fight. If you kill a bunch of good guy NPC's, then people can invade your world to kill you as revenge. There is also areas for PVP that allow a que up process or hang out in an area to be attacked/invaded.

This game has a ton of bosses - 20+ and a lot of different areas to explore. The First play through will likely take 30-40 hours but the second play through will take about 10-15 because you get to keep all your gear/levels. By my third play through I did it under 7 or 8 hours.

Technically the game is still quite hard if you never played a "Souls", but not as hard as Dark Souls 1. That is only because I find that Dark Souls 2 is more fair than Dark Souls 1 because part one had a lot of spots that were cheap deaths or the poor direction. Dark Souls 2 fixed these so it is more accessible for people who hate games that kill hem over and over, but you'll still die a lot in this game because they increased the combat difficulty for normal monsters by increasing the volume of them and bosses.

Not as rewarding as other souls games when you beat a tough boss, but still a great game and better made than the previous two technically but not as easily adored as the previous two souls games.

Totally worth it and an awesome game. If you watch a video and the combat looks fun or you want a good RPG game with responsive/precise combat where your skills = in game skills - then buy it and play it. You'll yell at it and get angry, but you'll want to continue to play!
Опубликовано 5 мая 2014 г..
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