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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 4,878.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 4,061.3 saat)
I guess it's time for review. Think I'm allowed after sinking so many hours.
Anyway, WT is like Stockholm Syndrome: you know it's bad but can't get rid of it.

I'll start with PROS:
- there's no other game like this on the market: combined forces, the amount of details that go into vehicles, mouse aim in Air RB, damage models (compared to health bars);
- game looks and sounds amazing. Well, minus the clouds - Gaijin can never get them right;
- gameplay is amazing - even though there aren't that many maps, you can always find new approach to the problem;

- balance issues... OH BOY, one could write books on it. Gaijin has this habit of balancing by statistics (which doesn't reflect what's happening in the game AT ALL) - devs even admit they don't have time to play their own game (I think it was BVVd). Modus operandi it to release broken vehicle, make a lot of money out of it and only then nerf it. Well, Ka-50 is still there...
- HORRIBLE GRIND. You haven't started the game and you love these pointy cheeks on Leo 2A5? Expect 300h+ of grind. Yeah, FU**ING GRIND, not gameplay. It feels like chore (or if you'll look at Operations S.U.F.F.E.R - more like 2nd job). Top tier vehicles require a lot of XP points - even if you have premium account.
- Bad business decisions: devs NEVER listen to community (they did once - during free parts/FPE fiasco). Long time ago there even was WT Player Council but it was disbanded (reasonable requests from players vs $$$).
- gameplay is stale: Air modes haven't changed since 2012/2013. Ground modes? Use stamp to put 3 magic circles on the map and ask players to cap them over and over again. And while we're at it, map design is awful - each new map is worse than other and allows for blatant spawn camping. Easter Europe anyone? One of the side in top tier matches starts in open field and is under fire after 10 seconds.

You've been warned - try finding some better game. Good luck!
Yayınlanma 6 Kasım 2020.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1.6 saat
Just finished the game (well that's no achievement, considering its' length).
To preface my review: I'm fan of the series, with Zwei being my first entry (back in Sega Saturn age).
I don't really understand complains about game's length: it's supposed to be remake and the original game was short as well.
So if you're fan of the series and rail shooters in general I wholeheartedly recommend the game.
P.S. Saori Kobayashi did EXCELLENT job remastering original soundtrack.

There are some caveats though, but I suppose patches will fix them up. I'm playing in 32:9 so that's a bit unusual setup - but I noticed few things:
- FMVs are stretched and that looks kinda odd;
- some menus extend past bottom part of the screen;
- text entries overlap with each other (especially visible in cheat menu);
- chromatic aberrations... grrr, I hate that effect.
Yayınlanma 26 Eylül 2020. Son düzenlenme 26 Eylül 2020.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 69.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 16.8 saat)
I don't understand all those complains about lack of HOTAS, 4K and 21:9 support. It doesn't justify giving the game bad review.
Subjective opinion: AC5 > AC0 > AC7 > AC6 > AC4. I'm also big fan of Ace Combat so please take it into consideration.
Even though I played AC 1-3, I don't count AC 1 and 2. I've yet to finish Japanese AC3 (PAL AC3 doesn't count).
8/10 for Ace Combat 7. Totally worth the purchase.

I'll keep my review SPOILER FREE. After 12 years we finally got another numbered Ace Combat game. Was it worth the wait?

What can I say? The game is gorgeous. I have decent rig so it works fine, but I think all modern hardware should be able to run it at acceptable settings.
Compared to AC6, grounds have a lot more details, clouds (and effects related to them) are wonderful. What can I say? Just watch trailers or reviews (I suggest Digital Foundry's analysis).
As I mentioned above - lack of 21:9 support will probably be patched soon after game's release. I'm sorry, but UHD players make single-digit percent of all (according to Steam survey).
As for PC-exclusive settings, I highly suggest tweaking Engine.ini file to reduce the pop in (issue was pointed out in DF's article).
Solid 9/10 here.

Everyone that played Ace Combat games knows that music is a strong element of the package: it's as important as graphics, story or gameplay.
Keiki Kobayashi returns to compose the music (and it seems he's the only one doing work this time around; other composers known from the previous games didn't seem to work on the game).
How should I describe it? Definitely not the level of trinity - but on par with AC6 (which means very good). There are some memorable tracks and what's important, they match the action on the screen.
Music adds to what's happening, helps build the tension and when necessary: fills you with adrenaline.
I like how sound gets muffled when you fly through the clouds.
Big minus for the sound of A-10: its' turbofans sound strange and I can't hear my BRRRRTT (did they record puny GAU-22 or what by mistake)?
9/10 here.

OK, this one is funny. Nothing special here for die-hard Ace Combat fan.
Once again, I don't understand complains about lack of HOTAS or K&M support. I'll be frank: you're doing yourself disservice if you play with joystick.
This simply isn't game to be played on HOTAS set: you won't be able to perform manoeuvres as fast as gamepad player.
AC games were always played with gamepad and it should stay this way.

I'll be frank: AC6 is my favorite gameplay-wise and after finishing AC7, I can confirm it.
I loved ground pounding in that game and whole concept of operations. Not to mention totally op GUN.
AC7 seems different. The pace is slower, you can almost feel inertia of the plane; missiles are constantly flying your way (I started on Hard) and... your allies are totally useless.
You can complain about Wardog squadron yapping all the time but at least they could shoot down plane or two during a mission.
Here? Fat chance. Your allies won't even tank shots for you which makes the game artificially harder.
It's annoying because some missions explain a lot of events that happen in the background (or happened in the past) but you must focus on all those missile alerts.

Let's change topic.
Progress tree from AC:I returns. You won't be able to unlock all modules and planes in one go which is a good thing because it gives the game a lot of replayability.
What about the rest? Of course you can expect a lot of varied missions: CAS, CAP, signature tunnel flights, boss fights, superweapons. Literally everything Ace Combat is known for.
During 20 missions of the game you won't be bored.
8/10 from me.

Ah, this one is controversial. Some people praise it, some despise it.
My favorite game (story-wise) was AC5. AC7 uses narrative similar to AC4 (sorry, not a fan of that one) - with mix of AC6 kind of story-telling (meaning that narrative isn't entirely focused on first stage characters but also on support staff).
In other words it's definitely better that AC6, but worse that AC0.
Until mission 15 it's pure chaos: there are way too many secondary characters that the game jumps between, sacrificing any kind of development. It's hard to understand why things happen in this order and not any other one.
You'd like to know more about people you meet or feel some kind of sympathy towards them but you just can't; they're all outlined a bit, come and go.
In AC6 we at least had wingman and allied squadrons (Avalanche, Sky Kid, Windhover and co) we could relate to. Here? Maybe 4, 5 characters (I didn't like the fact that we jumped squadrons so many times).
It's worth noting that there are some nods to the past games. If you're new to AC it won't make the story lackluster but fans will appreciate the references (some go waaaay overboard though).
7/10 in that department.

Sorry, haven't played too much and don't plan to. AC multiplayer is pure chaos (or overusing of broken mechanics) - still remember Ace Combat 6 matches.
Yayınlanma 3 Şubat 2019. Son düzenlenme 3 Şubat 2019.
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kayıtlarda 29.8 saat
...aaaand you get downvote. Why? Two reasons for it:
1. Price drop after a month. 34%? You may've had as well released the game with that lowered price initially.
2. It actually is mediocre. Copy-paste of the "Rise of the Tomb Raider". The first game of the new trilogy was great - felt fresh, looked nice and had some unusual setting. Second one felt a bit repetitive but was OK.

This comes from someone that completed the game with 100% and bought it on launch...
Yayınlanma 22 Ekim 2018.
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