Cape at blockade. Crowns on-site, enact ELTER. You are code Alynth. Keep HELTKA off the objective. Cape is being carried to rosebush with DELEKAR and YKAPKO.
Currently Online
Who is Immetosi?
"Commander Immetosi. We don't know who she is exactly, and she barely operates in the field without a damn good reason to. That's where you come in. We need you to disturb her forces enough that she's willing to come out from behind her paperwork to get a shot on you. When she does, don't let her hit you, be the first to fire. We can't explain how, but she seems to be able to see both her enemies and allies through walls. This is going to be your toughest fight yet, and the whole operation may last more than a few months. Stay sharp."

Commander Immetosi is the leader of the NIGHTMARE_CORP, a paramilitary dedicated to keeping everyone equal and safe.
Branch check:
FELACTYI Field Operations on standby. Last deployment: 3 years ago.
UNICARIS Operations Unit MIA. Last Multiverse Expedition: 2 years ago. Location: Nevada (MC/51)
GARTRA Security Force active. Firm law enforcement is in place.
KELTRA Power Supplies on standby.

Yes, this was all for branding immersion with Hard Sell 2/Nevadean Nightmare. Don't ask why, just go with it.

Do not respond to anyone claiming to be me that does not possess sufficient evidence. If you believe you are in contact with one of these people, simply ask them if they recall exactly what happened January 1st, 2016. If you're a close friend, you should know the answer to that question by now.

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Joseph May 8 @ 2:22am 
my sincerest condolences
Immetosi Dec 18, 2023 @ 12:17am 
i will. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pet uyoijou . cretin........
sneaksie Dec 18, 2023 @ 12:16am 
Shyei Dec 16, 2023 @ 9:02pm 
Immetosi Dec 16, 2023 @ 7:52pm 
peyton uwu Dec 16, 2023 @ 7:42pm 