*Noob dendi
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Shakalaka 2022. szept. 13., 12:10 
sanatalmat 2019. szept. 13., 16:46 
Hello sir ! Congratulations ! You won free giveaway DRAGONCLAW HOOK or in return you can choose another Dota 2 items. Get it on {HIVATKOZÁS TÖRÖLVE} use your code: >M7K8s9a5L<- (This code can only use this Account)
Hummnava 2016. jún. 27., 3:12 
Hunter 2016. jún. 9., 11:48 
Hey man change ur pic .... try someting adventurous...
grumpy 2015. jan. 19., 7:37 
check pm
Jon 2014. szept. 20., 23:32 
Below is the Steam ID of a frequent griefer. Block him in your profile.