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Додано: 30 серп. 2015 о 14:39
Оновлено: 4 верес. 2015 о 13:46

Great game with minor issues // Problems with keyboard and mouse

Believe it or not, but this is my first Final Fantasy game. Despite that, I decided that I wanted to review it.

+ Fairly long, took me about 60 hours to beat it once, but then again I play like a tortoise.
+ Game looks great, especially Class Zero and a couple of other NPC's. Same goes for certain maps as well.
+ Story is engaging enough if you're into that.
+ A likable main cast that are well fleshed out. They're fairly cliché, but they also gets the job done. In this point I also want to include that there are a lot of playable characters, each with their own set of abilities and playstyle. You will most certainly find a favorite amongst them, and one of the greatest parts of the game for me was experimenting with all of them to figure out which one suited me the best.
+ Good replayability, if you want to experience everything you will have to play it through at least twice, and with several difficulty levels and the amount of characters available this will not be boring.
+ Combat was a bit difficult for me to get into at the beginning, but once I got the hang of it I was treated to one of the best combat systems I've experienced in recent years.
+ Voice acting is nice, although I thoroughly despised the English voices. The Japanese voices are amazing however.
+ No major difficulty spikes as you're encouraged to explore. If you find yourself underleveled, there is always the arena and special training.
+ Skill improvement for both abilities and magic is pretty fun, since you won't be able to unlock everything in a single playthrough most of the time.
+ Fun conversations/cutscenes and quests around the main hub.
+ Death system works great, and you're encouraged to try to keep everyone alive in order to get as high a rating as possible on missions.
+ Super speed for when you want to move from one place to another quickly.
+ In my opinion, a great ending. (reminded me of Mass Effect though...)

- A controller is a must if you are going to play this. Don't get me started on how poorly optimized mouse and keyboard is for this game.
- Textures for everything but Class Zero is generally pretty bad. Though since this is a remastered PSP game that is fairly forgivable. If you're not the type of person that cares much about graphics (like me), you will likely not mind the occasional Tomb Raider III type of graphics.
- Not very noob friendly, while it does explain all the major aspects of the game, some things are left out.
- The antagonists are not very memorable, and neither is the plot as a whole.
- While you're given the freedom to explore freely, there is time limit on how much you can do at once. Later on this was reversed and I was given more freedom than the US but not enough stuff to do.
- Side quests, while fun, are not as many as I had hoped for. Especially when you visit minor towns there are often only one quest to do in each, and you probably won't need to return to that town ever again.

All in all, I can definitely recommend this game. In the beginning I was not sure whether or not I wanted to continue playing it, but I'm glad I did. This has been all I've been playing for some time now and I don't want to put it down anytime soon. If you got the money to spare, or even better, if it's on sale, don't think twice about picking it up!

that is, if you have a controller
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Коментарів: 10
Luce_ 10 груд. 2015 о 6:14 
Great! Back when I wrote this the keyboard controls were atrocious, seems like they have patched it up now :sgsmile:
GaigeArmage★ 10 груд. 2015 о 3:59 
I find playing with the keyboard and mouse perfectly fine. The WASD movement is fluid, pressing E, R, F, SHIFT, BACKSPACE, is also very comfortable and easy to reach.
Grumbleboots 5 верес. 2015 о 10:57 
Great review, helped me decide on my purchase (going to wait until it hits a sale).
Luce_ 4 верес. 2015 о 13:45 
Yeah, those are good points you bring up, and I agree that if the developers had taken a bit more time to polish their game then it could've been much better. But if we take it for what it is, it's still a pretty good game.

This is a port of the PS4/Xbone version, and they're just as bad graphically, if not worse. I can't see the graphics issue as a "major" point, only a minor, as you're not going to be hindered by graphics while playing.

The keyboard on the other hand, is indeed a major point for the people that don't have a controller. So yeah, my bad. I can change the header later.
blueinfinity 4 верес. 2015 о 13:29 
Sorry i just really dont see how those are minor issues i am sorry for calling you a fanboy your not i just really dont think they are minor but more game breaking
breaking controls and broken imessoin due to half the characters onyl having hd faces
yea i know but at this price its not exeptable they should of made proper controls and using ui and a bit of time i dont see how that really cant be done tbh

And thats not just it lots of poeple are having issues with unoffical controllers even good onse like logitech they wont work mainly only xbox controllers are working flawlessly for most it seems i suppose you can use contorller mapping software but they are just down right awkward to use

I personally do think its game breaking if you have no controller the game is practically ruined its studery to and crashes are commen and so are lazy hd retexturse to me thats personally game breaking
Luce_ 4 верес. 2015 о 13:12 
@BlueInfinityX: I don't know man, I'd say I would be a fan of the game itself. Being a fanboy would imply that I'm crazy about the series as a whole, which I'm not.

The only major problem I can see here is that you barely can use keyboard to play it, and to be honest it's not the only game on Steam where that is the case. And regarding the HD faces, well, each to their own I say. It's not anything game breaking and I didn't have any problems with them as I said. If you're playing an RPG for graphics you should probably get your priorities straight, the gameplay is the most important aspect and it is indeed very fun.

@Macmac: That's the problem, I think it should be adverised on the store page that a controller is recommended. I can't help you as I used a controller myself, and I think you should get one too in order to get the most out of the game.
Anubis 4 верес. 2015 о 12:47 
im using a keyboard sir, why cant i use tilt 4, 5, 6 and 8, can you help me?
blueinfinity 4 верес. 2015 о 12:41 
You can still be a fan boy after one game
thats like saying after someonse firs tiphone they cant be a fanboy....
Lol yes you did bring them up however they are game breaking not minor stop twisting my words not i am not hating i am simply stating facts you dont like.
Luce_ 4 верес. 2015 о 8:01 
Which part of "this is my first Final Fantasy game" did you not understand? I am obviously not a fanboy.

The issues you bring up are fair however. In fact, I did bring up those points in my con section. If I am a fanboy, then you're hater.
blueinfinity 4 верес. 2015 о 7:36 
Not being able to control the game is not a minor issue
half the characters only having hd faces are also not minor issues grow up fanboy.