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Recenzii recente de Joofey Gooberson

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235.1 ore înregistrate (181.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This is the single greatest game I have ever played. I played Divinity OS and it's sequel, along with multiple campaigns of table top dungeons and dragons. So when I say its the perfect balance of that Larian play style and combat, with the freedom a true D&D experience can give you, I mean it. I've made about 5 different runs and the greatest compliment I can give the game is how much it still keeps surprising me. This is a MUST for any RPG enthusiast's library and an experience that will change where the bar is set for video games. Play this exactly how you would sitting at a table scheming the DM.
Postat 11 noiembrie 2023.
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I'm normally not into cat and mouse dynamics, especially in horror, but I am into cat and mouse dynamics if it means I can hide in a cabinet tripping balls while I watch my friend become my sacrificial goat so I'm top mouse.

Postat 2 iunie 2023.
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Souls-born veteran over here, this is now in my top 5 of all time favorite games. Just dive in, look up a suggested progress route if you feel lost. Sink into the world and its characters. Its just so good.
Postat 11 martie 2023.
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I came from the Original Paragon moba and I am not disappointed one bit. The game feels like what Paragon was evolving into. Hands down I plan to sink 100s of more hours into this.

EDIT: Literally put 100 more hours into this. The updates keep coming and it's amazing.

EDIT: 100 more hours, still seeing new heros, patches, updates and a consistently changing meta. I play this game at least once a day.
Postat 1 ianuarie 2023. Editat ultima dată 20 septembrie 2023.
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-Went without enough ale and water for too long
-One dwarf dies
-Dwarf died unhappy and without proper burial
-I don't know this is a mechanic yet
-Dwarf comes back as mean ghost
-Possesses another dwarf
-Possessed dwarf becomes obsessed with making a bone knife
-Dwarf goes berserk before finishing trying to stab everyone around him
-He gets killed
-By common measure, his death was way worse
-He is now a ghost that roams the halls ripping limbs off
-I have lost many dwarves to this
-Just learning now about giving them a proper burial
-Now I have an exponentially more murderous ghost factory
-Losing is fun

LESSON : Bury your dead
Postat 13 decembrie 2022.
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I'm new to the Mount and Blade series and picked this up with the intention of just enjoying big battles and actually participating in them. This game has blown my mind with how deep it goes into being a kingdom building sandbox. I started my 3rd character (never got very far with the other two, it has a definite learning curve) and I am more patriotic of my pretend nation I come home to after work than I am of my own real life country. Tournaments, politics, a full skill tree for my character, watching my army grow and blossom into a honed weapon, learning trade routes, seiging castles, raiding villages, executing nobles... I could go on. 10 out of 10, this is hands down the best game i've ever played.
Postat 27 decembrie 2021.
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This game operates closer to DnD than any game I've played before in a really good way. Outside of the relatively free feeling mechanics, the narrative and progression is enough by itself. I'd highly recommend it if you feel on the fence.
Postat 23 aprilie 2020.
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Simply, the best combat based physics in VR yet. I was a closed beta tester and I was expecting this game to be more expensive. Words cannot express how grateful I am for this title.
Postat 14 iulie 2017.
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Do you like Chivalry
It uses the same formula for fighting. Control what direction you're swinging from and how fast, crush skulls with well times over-head strikes and stand up to crowds with well timed parry, back peddling and a'choppin. I don't think the abilities over-shadow the skill it takes to win a melee fight, I actually think it fixed Chivalry's problem with some classes always dominating in certain match ups. The classes all feel different and I end up getting stuck playing someone for 3 matches just because I get hooked on their style so easily. All in all I think this is a stand-up predicessor to Torn Banner's Chivalry and I'm having load of fun. *You can still run screaming bloody hell and the quick chat options are still there, you can tell when someone is a veteran to Torn Banner's games pretty fast*

You don't know Chivalry
There is a lot more that goes into a skillful fight than these videos make it seem. For instance you need to look at the weapon striking you to block succesfully (no spam blocking 4 enemies around you), you can combo your swings as long as they connect, by turning during your swing you can speed up or slow down your attack so it's harder for the enemy to time their parry. It's a big blood-fest war simulator except on an Arabian Nights cocaine binge, TDM, CTP, Payload. It's pretty easy to hop in and get to murdering and as long as you aren't a huge rage-gamer (there are moments where you WILL get gang-banged) you will have fun with this melee magic brawler.

Right now there is always a server to join but don't get your hopes up currently if you're trying to play 5 straight rounds of any mode but TDM just because there are about 2 full servers of the other game modes most the time. I love Chivalry's melee formula and the addition of magic in a fantastical Arabian djinn world is definitely a treat.

THHHEE MAASSOONN ORRRDEE.... I mean ... you know
Postat 25 mai 2017.
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I don't have a crazy amount of hours specifically due to how intense the dungeons get. Imagine playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, mid game, where things are still cute but eerie and there is a sense to explore every crevice.

It does a pretty good job with implementing VR the way it meant to, there are multiple options for movement (Slide, Tele and Arm Swing) and though the scaling isn't 100% I feel it attributes to the art style. Any time you see vines, climb those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, more likely than not there is something to find. A small note to add, I really enjoyed that for some of the crawl spaces I had to literally crawl. The Sword and shield isn't something to write home about, it's there and it still feels cool but it's more of a damage->blood effect->block->repeat. Even though that simple I still get jumpy when facing off with a monster (not trying to spoil it)

So yes, it won't be long until you realize a room pattern is familiar. The traps and monsters are changed up quite well so I'm more worried about what is around the corner than finding a new secret crawl space/vine to a secret room. The design of the dungeons themselves are quite dark and lonely and I think the dev did a great job of creating an atmosphere. You will be in dungeon instances and every door is a short transition to another dungeon system, not as smooth as I'd like, but there aren't any loading screens after getting in the game so I'll take the bad with the good. Lastly for people that are jump there is a way to change the intensity of the dungeon right before it spawns so that's nice.

I haven't had the guts to fight the boss yet, scarry sounds man, scarry sounds.

You have a body and arms... it's weird how this is something to rave about but this isn't implemented enough in VR (I bet that ♥♥♥♥ is hard). You unlock new weapons at the end of dungeons and it seems random. Any duplicate is a stat increase for that weapon so it doesn't feel like a waste. Apparently since the last update (happened a day after I bought it) you can get stats to change how your player operates and there are spell books. I'm not going to go into it though because I haven't experienced this yet.

There is co-op
But there is no match making, convince a friend to buy it until there is match making.

My verdict - For $15 this game is a great value, that's what I have paid for lame experiences. This game really surprised me with it's level of detail and the lack of short cuts the one man developer took. I'm going to keep coming back to this and I suggest if you're on the fence to relate this game to a Legend of Zelda Dungeon Generator with progression.. but in VR.

I don't wanna be a hype train, but this game is pretty good guys.
Postat 23 mai 2017.
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Se afișează 1-10 din 17 intrări