
Последние обзоры Rat King

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91.8 ч. всего
A bullet hell survivor game with great music and unique designs, if youre a fan of those things i recommend trying it in the very least. The story was simple and the gameplay rewarding. One of the few games ive played in recent years that has zero complaints from me.

Thank you to the developer, artist, and musician for giving me such a wonderful experience. I hope you all have wonderful days.
Опубликовано 28 января.
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10.4 ч. всего
TL:DR - Fantastic Post-Apocalyptic Rhythm game with the highest difficulty only being the training wheels for late game
Good Luck!

A rhythmic beat-em-up with a retro feel; if youre looking for a short title to emulate how to be the chillest protagonist this might be the game for you. Parry Dodge and Slam your opponents away as you fight through more complicated enemy attack patterns and defeat conditions. Youre going to let them tire themselves out before you just give em the tap to watch them fall.

The realest challenge is after youve mastered story mode, youll find yourself facing down two difficult yet unique to each other modes:

New Dawn - The epilogue with even more difficult patterns and enemies to match with a continuation to the story and its aftermath.
Passiverse - Climb the ladder of Masters as you unlock your previously trained abilities to face of this mini-rouge-lite dive. Prepare to hurt, there is no grace here.

If the style and gameplay looks unfamiliar or youre looking for a comfy ride, this may not be your title.

If you demand challenge and really want to feel your palms sweat, head to the post game and see if you can raise those achievement numbers. It will require more than training and patience, youll need a whole lotta calm.

I very much enjoyed the journey of learning the game and its play, but i do have my gripes:

-Dark Enemies: They often confuse the AI on Master and will frequently have enemy groups twitching in place as i uncomfortably watch their seizures. A light sneeze or just a few steps to the right for the player will fix that. Dark enemies themselves feel too much of a time locked gimmick to feel like im as badass as i think i am. I think allowing us to at least dodge their attack would be stellar. For newer players, dash away and force a fight elsewhere to disengage.

-Map Hazards: Mortars and the Sun Beams are not totally unfair gimmicks, theyre easy enough to dodge with a couple dashes or a few back-steps. If their zone of effect was smaller for the mortar to give more time to fight, or the laser had a larger area but only covered top of bottom of the map i feel it would make these things feel less cumbersome. Although to be fair, the game is more than enough manageable as is with these mechanics. There just feels like they are missing some kind of tweak i wouldnt be the guy to ask about.
Опубликовано 11 августа 2022 г..
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32.9 ч. всего
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Wonderful game with friends, easy to use and simple mechanics for its mini games to waste your time for hours.

Apparently going afk in your condo gets you vac banned so dont do that.

Otherwise if youve got a group of far away friends and you wanna waste time playing in arcades and watching videos together i highly recommend.
Опубликовано 8 апреля 2021 г..
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357.9 ч. всего
An excellent addition to the franchise, i found fun playing nearly any faction the game had to offer. Combat was in depth enough that the right positioning on the map with the right strategy nearly any odds stacked against you can still be won in your favor.
Опубликовано 1 июля 2019 г..
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109.4 ч. всего (40.3 ч. в момент написания)
A look into an old gaming style i loved back in the days of castlevania. This type of game i will always love. A bit conky very rarely but nonetheless didnt take away from gameplay. Simple story and design. A nice break if youre looking for a side game to dedicate a few days to.
Опубликовано 13 мая 2016 г..
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237.6 ч. всего (230.6 ч. в момент написания)
Lisa is a very simple turn based rpg. Everything about the game from controls to play style is over simplified for those who have experienced games similar to it before. Other than mechanics, nothing about the characters, story, and atmosphere of the game is simple. From strange monsters, through lifelong bullys, and diabolically pained villains; This game paints the entire world gray, where matters of good and evil have no meaning. Its up to you to decide if what you do is right or wrong, and the game will... WILL make you decide. As you play, you'll feel the necessary evil and the unreasonable good of your actions. Are rumors true? Do you judge every book by the cover? Is everything the way it should be? Are you playing a broken hero, or a martyred villain. The coin this game offers you has no sides. Ive played it over and over again, going through combos, different story arcs, seperate paths, and nothing in this game even lets you assume its simple to state. This game is a joy to play, its really all you need. Do you have the Joy necessary to survive the anguish this game offers?
Опубликовано 15 июня 2015 г..
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11.8 ч. всего (11.4 ч. в момент написания)
Its a very sweet and predictable story but none the less it has its cute laughs. Id recommend this game for if youre bored and you like catgirls. I absolutely love the diversity of the catgirls and how sweet his little sister is. There isnt any story choices as its just a visual novel, but the ending is still sweet. At least theres more!
Опубликовано 15 июня 2015 г..
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363.0 ч. всего (9.4 ч. в момент написания)
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Опубликовано 21 марта 2015 г..
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