[BAG] Da Freaky
big papa's pickle
im sippin' that activist but i dont stand for sh:nmhhappy:t
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36 Hours played
fantastic game. a straight upgrade from GR1. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT its a bit buggy and overall rough around the edges when it comes to performance and stability. theres been a few moments where ive been softlocked in arenas because i got to em too fast and thus enemies wouldnt spawn, and a good handful of moments where the next chunk of the level hasnt loaded yet and id be looking into a void waiting for the rest of the level to show up. putting up with those hiccups however is worth it imo. the game itself is fantastic. the bosses/set pieces are top notch, the combat is just as good if not better than GR1, the new mechanics and enemy types the introduce were nice, the new outside sections with the bike were so much fun, even when those were when the hiccups and bugs were at their peak. kinda came off like the devs were getting a bit over-ambitious, but still the outside levels themselves were still a blast to play.
also the story being more human focus is a bit mixed, sometimes it works well, other times it fell flat and came off a bit cringe. but the expansion on the other ghostrunners themselves and the new antagonist(s) were really cool and learning their lore (and by extension jack's) was engaging, at least more so than the humans.
overall its a fantastic follow-up to GR1, and more than worth the $40, especially if you like GR1, BUT if you dont have the patience to put up with the jank or bugs, hold off till the game gets a few patches and hotfixes before giving it a try.

ghostrunner 2 is fantastic when its not buggy
worth it

UPDATE: after a bit more research, the most of the bugs ive come across might be a result of my graphics card finally getting a bit too old or outdated, your experience may be more stable. i have a NVIDIA geforce gtx 1060 for reference
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Is Lost Planet 2 crashing at the DirectX 9 or DirectX 11 dialog box? It's Micro$oft's forgotten, but not abandoned, Games for Windows Live service. That's where the trouble is for almost everyone trying to get Lost Planet 2 up and running. Bonus! Some sugg
noodles May 2 @ 6:33am 
Pazaezel Apr 23 @ 8:45pm 
He's Orange, he has a lot of friends
They live together on a fruit stand
They have adventures all across the land,
And even play in a rock n' roll band

He's Orange
Annoying Orange
He's Orange
Annoying Orange
He's Orange
The Rizzantines Feb 1 @ 5:06pm 
Thanks for the reddit gold kind chungus :Honored:
The Rizzantines Dec 4, 2023 @ 8:46am 
What the devil did you just say about me, you damned blackguard? I pray you know I graduated top of my class among the Officer's Academy in Paris, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids against the Barbary Pirates, and I've slain over 15-score Hessians. I am trained in the Spaniards' warfare and I'm the fastest reloader in all of the Emperor's Grand Army. You are nothing more to me than just another conscript. I will eliminate you with fury the likes of which has never been seen in all of Europe, let it be known. You think you can get away with writing that slander about me in your journals? You couldn't be more wrong, scoundrel.
The Rizzantines Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
Matt Nov 13, 2023 @ 4:59pm 