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Análises recentes de hysumek

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...Who the ♥♥♥♥ thought this was a good idea?
Publicado a 12 de Janeiro de 2015.
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2,536 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
4,784.2 hrs em registo (1,496.5 horas no momento da análise)
How to ruin your life:

1) Download Warframe
2) Learn how to press buttons on your keyboard to play Warframe
3) Grind for hundreds and thousands of hours for that one thing that looks really cool.
4) Congratulations, you now have no life.

This method is tried-and-true, I have even tested it on myself; that's how sure I was that it would work.

Edit: A few people are adding me for help on WF. Feel free to add me if you wish, and I'll try my best to accept and answer any questions you may have, but just know I may not have time to play more than a few rounds with you :c Sorry.
Publicado a 26 de Outubro de 2014. Última alteração: 31 de Dezembro de 2014.
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19 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
4 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
11.6 hrs em registo (3.3 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
Hey, you. Yes, you. Stop scrolling and read this.

Do you see this game that I'm talking about? It's called Black Ice. It's this cyberpunky hack-and-shoot game thing that's made by an amazing developer who works really hard and cares about his community more than any dev out there ever (seriously, he even makes his plans for world domina... err... for the future of the game completely public). It's also a better game than 90% of the games in early access at the moment and likely better than at least half of those 50 unplayed games you have.

Get this game. Now. Don't make me repeat myself.
Publicado a 25 de Julho de 2014.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
4.2 hrs em registo (0.9 horas no momento da análise)
140, where to begin... This game is brilliant in just about every regard. It involves jumpy shapes and procedurally generated music.

Music - 25/10: Yes, it's that good. The entire game revolves around the music. All the puzzles in this game are based on the fluctuations the music is going through. Everything is really seamless; if you're just listening to the audio and you die somehow, it honestly sounds like part of the song even though it's very harsh static. The music also only progresses when you do, which in my opinion is one of the best things about the game - and it always sounds so seamless when it does. And besides, the "drop" that happens when you progress to the next sequence of a stage is one of the most amazing sounds I've heard so far.

Art - 6/10: The art style is a bit like Thomas Was Alone, but not quite as nice. It's basically just a bunch of rectangles and circles and triangles. Nothing much. However, there are some really tiny details, like the jump and the level progression sequence. It does have a sort of odd charm to it though, which is why I'm giving it a 6 and not something lower

Gameplay - 8/10: You're essentially just trying to navigate your way through a series of obstacles and static-y square things. Nothing too special when considered by itself, but when you add the music to the equation, it's phenomenal. Everything changes based on what's going on in the music, for example, platforms will start moving as a new sequence is added to the ever-changing song. Really, the only negative is that the boss battles are a bit more trial-and-error than actually puzzle based, but honestly that's not a bad thing.

Price - 10/10: At $5, this game is a steal. Hell, I wouldn't mind if I had to pay $15 for it; it's just that good. If you're still not convinced, get it on sale when it's somewhere hovering around the $3/$4 range. You'll be glad you did.

Overall Rating - 9.5/10: This isn't so much of a game as it is an experience. The music is so much more than brilliant, and the gameplay and art style works fantastically well with the concepts it's working towards. The only downside I would say would be the shortness of it all - it only has three "stages", but they're all intuitively designed and great fun to play.
Publicado a 4 de Dezembro de 2013.
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0.5 hrs em registo
Before I start off, I'd just like to point out that I have a thing for artsy games. I know that some people may not like these sort of artsy games, but this is my honest opinion.

In TRAUMA, you play as a woman who survives a car crash and is trying to make sense of her dreams as she recovers. These dreams are captured in a series of polaroid photos, which you navigate by clicking on details in the photos or drawing gestures. These gestures are what you use to perform actions - for example, you can catch a ghost by drawing a head shape. There are four endings to each level - one intended, three side endings that use the gestures found in other levels. There are also 10 or so collectable photographs inside each level, providing for deeper insight into the woman's life and a cute little timewaster if you've found all the endings.

I strongly reccomend this game. It reminds me a bit of Dear Esther in that both are exploration-based and are both about car accidents. This game is one of those that have deeper meanings to what is presented in each level; I'm discovering more and more interpretations for the respective dreams as I play more. There's also the entire beauty of it all - hundreds of photographs stitched together and edited to form a fluid experiance. Oh, and did I mention all the mind♥♥♥♥ parts of it? Naturally, being set in a dreamscape, this game is bound to have a few (read: many) cutscenes that are going to blow you away with the sheer imaginativeness of it all. It may not for you, but it certainly did for me.

It's really evident that Majewski put in a lot of effort into creating the best game he possibly could, and although it is a bit short and lacks achievements/tradingcards, it's an utterly fantastic game that I would say is worthy of your time and money.
Publicado a 3 de Dezembro de 2013.
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