1 件の VAC 検出記録 | 情報
最後の接続禁止から 1297 日
記録時間: 2,986 時間
5月26日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 112 時間
5月22日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 172 時間
5月20日 に最後にプレイ
Etho 4月19日 22時21分 
Do you seriously spend over 40 hours (not minutes) a week playing video games? Can't tell if you're joking. If not then... wow. The only game I could play for 40 hours is nfl 18 and that's because I enjoy kicking other people's asses (I have a natural instinct for strategy games and high-level thinking). But I can't because I'm an adult unlike y'all I presume. Damn high school was fun :/ minus the detentions for picking on the nerds, haha.
Etho 4月16日 6時07分 
-rep, Most obvious waller ever. This guy does NOT hide his cheating at all, only thing he be hiding is his sexuality (Mf 1000feet deep in the closest) GG "Closet" cheater.
Super America 3月26日 9時51分 
Where does all the time go, Hammy...?
Over three years since your VAC ban. Heh. Humors me everytime I remember you begging for mercy on a G-Mod DarkRP Forum... According to these comments, doesn't look like you've changed much... You still love the power trip of "cheating".

I'll be keeping tabs on you.
nah 3月1日 9時45分 
cheating in DM and a virgin
Terry 2月9日 17時03分 
Met up with Hammy in real life on a camping trip. Hammy spent the whole time trying to seduce me. It ruined the trip for me. Hammy now accuses me of raping him on the trip. Watch out for this guy. Very weird.
Teamkiller 2023年10月27日 6時47分 
cheating on DM LOL